Motherboard chipset drivers


Jan 22, 2018
I tried to overclock my cpu in the bios last night and the option was greyed out. It won’t let me change it.
I need to update the bios but also will I need the MB drivers? They are a lot bigger than the amd ones I downloaded from their site that’s all.



Yeah they do it’s the msi B350 motherboard and ryzen 7 1700. I have watched a few videos and hopefully I know where I’m going wrong. I’m using the mouse when everyone on the videos has been using the num+ - haha. I’ll give it a whirl tonight when I get in
Most likely you first have to change OC settings to Manual before you can start changing values for multiplier and the like. It does not matter if you do it with mouse or keyboard - if the setting is grayed out it means you first have to unlock it with some other setting.

I got it overclocked I cranked it up to 3.6ghz and then it wouldn’t boot up I had black screen and the mouse and keyboard didn’t work. I had to pull the battery on the CMOS.

Any idea what could have gone wrong? Kinda put me off now though haha


I tried lowering it even more and the same happened again. I have overclocked it on the ryzen master programme and I’m getting 3.6ghz easy. Wonder if it’s because I activated that stay quiet thing too. I’ll figure it out xD