Question Motherboard & component ID needed ?


Dec 5, 2007
Hi guys

Laptop model: Asus ROG Zephyrus GU603HE

I know this is a longshot but I got the above laptop for $300 do to the motherboard component [I am almost positive it's a resistor] shorted and popped off the board when the owner somehow got the EDP cable pinched in the plastic hinge cover at the back. It exposed two wires which ultimately shorted each other and now the laptop screen does not work.

I already installed a new LCD screen & replac3d the EDP cable however need to know the value of that resistor or cap.

I have a full schematic. It's amazing that I found one online. It's a PITA to read. I narrowed it down to the page, however cannot discern which one it is ascI don't have the

I was wondering if someone who has one of these models (when the bottom cover is off) if a measurement could be taken - resistance in this case. It's easy to do if you have a basic multimeter or DVM, etc.

I have Re-Work station, service monitor, etc. thus I can handle the repair with ease.

See the attached picture I took via my digital microscope



P.S. If anyone wants a copy of the full schematic let me know.