Motherboard display not working


Mar 19, 2016
The motherboard is working fine and i can use display from my graphics card but only in 60hz (i have a 144hz monitor) but when i Tried to connect my VGI-D to my motherboard becouse my card does not have it, the screen Said "No signal" Please help!
You definitely need dual link DVI-D to get 144hz with that monitor and your GPU definitely doesnt have one.

Looks like you will need an active display port to DL DVI-D adapter that can do 144hz.
Normally you need a dual link DVI-D port on your graphics card to run at 144hz. If your Graphics card does not have this (not common) then you probably cant run this monitor at 144hz.

Which graphics card do you have and which monitor is it? (model#'s please)

i have a R9 fury tri-x 4gb and my monitor is an Acer predator GN246HL
But can i use adapters to get 144hz?