Motherboard ECS B75H2-M3 good for i7 3770k?

Aug 12, 2018
Hi guys.

Now I am using ECS B75H2-M3 + i5 3570 + gtx 1060 and I saw prices for used i7 3770k has become cheaper here so I'm thinking about upgrading to it coz the i5 3570 isn't very good for Monster Hunter World (bottleneck).

Do you think the motherboard is good for overclocking i7 3770k ?

Or should i get the non-k 3770 and not bother with overclocking? I would have to buy a decent aftermarket cooler if I am to overclock the k version. Now my cooler is still stock. The non-k is cheaper by 34 usd now.

I have never work with k version before. I look inside the bios and i can see the multiplier (34) of my 3570 (can't change it). I assume i would be able to change that multiplier if the cpu is a k version? Like just change the number, save and exit and it should work?

Or the chipset can use k version but cannot change the multiplier (just see it)? If that is the case then it would be easier for me to just get 3770 non k and be done with it.


I have bought an i7 3770k now and it helps a lot with Monster Hunter World. Unlike my i5 3570, the i7 can maintain 60 fps easily, only 60% cpu usage. I suppose it will be enough for a good while, as nowadays games (esp the big ones) should be able to use more cores. MHW use all 8 cores, according to my task manager.

I don't live in US tho, I bought i7 3770k for what's equal to 158 usd. A shop not far from my house had it.

It turned out that b75 mainboard cannot change the multiplier despite the manufacturer website says "Supports Intel® K Series unlock CPU". In restrospect, i7 3770 would be better for my case, 25 usd cheaper or so, though the same shop ran out of their last supply of used 3770. I would have to look elsewhere.