Hey there everyone. I've recently acquired a Cooler Master HAF 932 Advanced case (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119160), which is a huge step up from my mid tower. So because of this I've been looking to upgrade my micro-ATX board to something bigger with more "oomph". I currently have an i5-3570k, so we'll be looking for LGA 1155, coupled with a Sapphire Radeon HD 7850. I also have a 620W PSU so power is not an issue. What I'm really looking for is space. I would like to have the ability to crossfire or SLI in the future, and I would also like to have plenty of PCIe slots that aren't covered by the graphics cards in case I want to add stuff. A lot of SATA ports would be nice as well so I can have multiple drives. From my case you can see that space isn't really an issue, but I don't won't a monster that I can't control and will eventually eat me while I'm sleeping. As far as pricing goes I'd like to keep it under $150 but if your suggestions warrant the extra money I wouldn't have any problem dishing out a little more. I think that about covers it, thank you!