Motherboard for Thunderbird 1.1


Feb 16, 2001
I'm about to take advantage of the price drops on hardware, to build a new computer. .I have an thunderbird 1.1 chip, but i'm don't know which is the best motherboard for this cpu...anyone have any ideas. I looking to use DDR in the future, but going to use SDRAM for now. Thanks
I'd say the Abit KT7A hands down. The Asus A7V133 is also good, but lately Asus has been doing weird stuff. They took away the multiplier adjust on their DDR boards recently so I am bitter. The Abit is an OC dream.

"Water-Cooled CPU Runner"
Get the A7V133. The best KT133A mobo out right now. And buy the time you want DDR, the VIA KT266 chipsets will be out with hopefully a large selection of mobos using it. You do have a thunderbird-c, corret? dont even consider DDR if you have a thunderbird-b.

- I don't write Tom's Hardware Guide, I just preach it"
He wanted to know how to tellif it was a "B" or a "C". After all the numbers there will be a letter, either a B or a C, that is the type you have.

Someday I will stop asking all the questions!