Motherboard/GPU second monitor wrong size

Holm Studios

Jun 14, 2017
I've connected my two AOC 2460 monitors to my computor, one through the motherboard and one through the graphic card. The second monitor connected through the motherboard cuts off at the end and seems to be in a lower resolution, how do I fix this?
I'm connecting them like this since I only have a D.VI and a VGA cable at home currently

Specs: Intel i5-660k CPU, Geoforce GTX 970 GPU
P.S. To get the monitors to work I've switched "iGPU Multi Monitor" to enabled in the bio.

It cuts off at the middle of the date. At the start up and its at extend. Both are set to the same resolution.

Under GeoForce GTX 970 it says analog display 1 and nothing else. Pressing "My display is not shown" then "Rigorus Display Detection" dosen't find it either.

It says "This device is working properly.". Wierd thing though, its called AOC 2460G5, while the one connected through the Graphics card is called "Generic Non-PnP Monitor" (that one also says "This device is working properly")

Its on extend and disconnecting removes it from the list, reconnecting does not fix it either.
It not the built in auto-calibration of the monitors is it? Bring up the OSD menu on the monitor and find the auto-calibrate option. See if that corrects it.
If not try uninstall both GPU drivers, restart and reinstall 1 GPU, restart and reinstall the other GPU, restart again (I know it seems long winded but I had this issue with my work PC and that resolved it).
Make sure none of the pins on the monitor cables are bent too (doubtful but possible).

Also try making sure that the PRIMARY graphics card in your bios is the ONBOARD one then switch to the PCI-E one (I ended up manually selecting the primary GPU in BIOS on my work PC to correct an issue a little like this one).
So I changed to an HDMI converter and wen't through the GPU and now the sizing is right but there another problem.
There's like small flickers on the screen whenever I play videos, is that a new thread or?
Not moving pictures dosen't seem to be an issue though.