So I built my PC about a year ago, it has been working flawlessly except for the past week or so. It'd turn on, no signal to monitor, keyboard or mouse. Sometimes it would actually properly boot, but when I login, it'd ZAP and turn off. Sometimes it'll stay on a bit longer before zapping off. I tried reinstalling the ram, after doing the rubber trick. It worked, but only a couple days. After a bit more digging and matching the symptoms, it seems that SOMETHING is stopping the motherboard from sending power to the GPU, USB ports and stuff. I've tried reinstalling the CMOS Battery. Nothing has worked so far. Please help.
So I built my PC about a year ago, it has been working flawlessly except for the past week or so. It'd turn on, no signal to monitor, keyboard or mouse. Sometimes it would actually properly boot, but when I login, it'd ZAP and turn off. Sometimes it'll stay on a bit longer before zapping off. I tried reinstalling the ram, after doing the rubber trick. It worked, but only a couple days. After a bit more digging and matching the symptoms, it seems that SOMETHING is stopping the motherboard from sending power to the GPU, USB ports and stuff. I've tried reinstalling the CMOS Battery. Nothing has worked so far. Please help.