Question Motherboard MSI Z370 Gaming Plus Dying ?


Dec 3, 2009
Hi guys

Recently i have this issue whenever i plugged my 1070, i would have artifacts shown, even during booting. The boot logo would be distorted and would be at a lower resolution.

It got worse when in Windows. Artifacts all over and sometimes, the OS would not even recognise the gpu.

I do not encounter such issues when using the onboard graphic.

Is it my motherboard or PSU ( Corsair HX1000 about 10 yrs old) failing

I have a limited budget to replace either one component.

Any advice much appreciated

Thank you for reading !
So you dont think the problem could be 1070?
Have you tried to use it on another computer?

When it just happened, i had another 1070. Initially, i thought it was faulty, so i had it returned and get another one. The seller tested it and found it was working fine.

So either my PCI-E slots not working or the psu unable to give enough juice, resulting in artifacts and also 'monitor receive no signal' problem