Motherboard not working


Feb 28, 2017
So I just got my new conponents: msi z270 m5 gaming, intel i5 7600K, corsair vengeance led (2x8 16gb) psu is a corsair cx650m and cpu cooler a corsair h75

I hooked up all of my parts to my motherboard but nothing works, no led no sounds no screen and no reaction at all.
I tried turning my psu on and off uninstalled my ram and reconnected my hdmi cable nothing worked.
There is 1 light that works it's called flasb1 it flashes 3 times with about 2 seconds between. I have no idea what to do, my ez debug light doesn't work as well.
That's the BIOS flashback light. If there's a USB drive in the machine, remove it.

Otherwise, take a look at the manual in the "Updating the BIOS with BIOS FLASHBACK+" section, and follow the instructions to update bios. There's a chance it could fix the issue. If it doesn't, RMA the board. Someone in the factory screwed up.