Motherboard or CPU problem?


Jan 3, 2014
Hello, I have a problem that was noticed about 2 weeks ago. I have recently bought a new motherboard (MSI 970A-G43) and an AMD 8350 processor.

I have bought them for the main purpose of using 3D Max with V-ray, since if offered the best price/performance value from all of the processors. The first month, it ran like clockwork - the processor was faster than any of my friends, but in that period I have noticed a strange smell of hot plastic every day. I thought it was only temporary, since most computers smell like that after the first few uses. I even left the computer to render overnight a few times.

One day, the computer started to work very slow... 3D Max worked very slow, everything worked slow. I mean I have done a test image on my computer (AMD 8350) and on another (AMD Athlon 64 5000+), and the athlon 5000 was faster. Since then I haven't noticed any hot plastic smell at all.

Now the main question is: What component is defect? Is it the processor or the mainboard?

I have run a few tests and noticed that the processor goes to full load (all 8 cores working correctly), and it heats to the normal operating temperature. My guess is that the motherboard is faulty, and the information it received from the processor is somehow lost along the way.

Could you please give me your opinions of this? what do you thing is faulty? the processor or motherboard?
That's probably the motherboard. That msi is actually not meant to take high end 125W processors like the fx8350
Its also prone to vrm failures

That smell is probably the vrm's overheating, and since you are getting slower performance, its probably actually trying to throttle your processor to prevent the vrm's from exploding !

Get something decent like the Asus M5A97 R2.0
I see, thank you for the explanation. That is very helpful.
I will try to buy another motherboard as soon as I can. Regarding of what you have said, I have noticed that the system always crashed when I have tried to overclock the processor, and even had problem when the turbo core was forced on "enabled". So now, it makes sense why it did those things.
Thank you.

Yeah, stay clear of any MSI AMD motherboard. Rather spend the extra cash on an asus or gigabyte

Probably the best motherboard for the AMD 970 chipset is the Asus M5A97 R2.0. It will accept all high end 125W am3+ processors