MotherBoard PCI Slots not working MSI Z87-GD65 Gaming


Oct 16, 2014
Hello, First of all thanks for anyone for any help!

First Computer Spec:
Motherboard-: Z87 GD65 GAMING
CPU:- Intel i7-477OK - 3.50GHZ
Ram:- Corsair 2 4 gb sticks
PSU:- CiC V2.3 ATX 12 v Model:750UB

Computer is not picking up the Graphics Card
The computer has been running fine for 1 year, just as the warranty expired for the motherboard it stopped picking up the Graphics Card, it would not pick up that anything was plugged in any of the PCI Slots. From my further testing I think it might be a Motherboard issue

What I have tested Part 1:
-Checked all BIOS settings all seemed fine
-Checked Device monitor, external Graphics card did not get picked up
-Put in 2 or 3 graphics cards into the motherboard, non were detected
-Checked the motherboards system display - everything was picked up fine on the display APART FROM the graphics card
-Tested the computer original Graphics card on my own computer and it run fine.
-Tested on different monitors just in-case...

From the above I narrowed this down to a motherboard fault and advised the user to purchase a new Motherboard, they purchased the same motherboard, plugged it all in and it came across with the same issue, from this I thought i might have been incorrect with my testing so tested it all again and more

Test Part 2 with the NEW Z87 GD65 Gaming:
-Run DDU checked bios and device manager, graphics card was not picked up
-Checked all connections were plugged in correctly
-Tested another graphics card in the computer (GTX 970) which did not work
-Tested original computers graphics card on my computer again, it worked fine
-Removed ram sticks and tested individually, did not make a difference to graphics card working
-Used my computers PSU on the PC in question, and no graphics card was picked up (I was questioning if there was a PSU fault)
-Reset CMOS no display

At the moment I think that the Z87 GD65 Gaming motherboards just have a fault... I have tried to contact MSI but they have not replied and its been a couple of weeks, if anyone has any thoughts, advice or tests I could try please let me know, I feel I have tried everything but not getting anywhere... and I am not sure if i'm just blaming the motherboard.

If you think it is the motherboard as-well please let me know so I can push to getting the motherboard returned

Thanks again for any advice

Bios updating should be a last ditch effort. Try reseating the CPU first. Then possibly updating the BIOS. To be honest though I would RMA a board before updating the BIOS in this case as it seems more likely the PCIE slot is DOA. If the BIOS update fails, in many cases an RMA will not be accepted.
Are you using the stock Intel cooler, if not your current cooler may be too tight on the board. This can create a short even if theres no metal to board contact. When the board has pressure on it the traces inside can get squeezed together. Try removing and remounting it, make it snug but don't tighten it.

Thanks for your reply, I am using the Stock Intel Cooler, I can confirm these are securely on, I have also double checked all screws on the motherboard to make sure they were not too loose or too tight and they all seem fine,

Any other thoughts?

Thanks again.

I have tried 2 out of the 3 PCI Slots as i have to take off the metal brackets of the back of the pc to slot these in, and sadly they snap off dont slide off so they cannot go back on, I didn't want to take too much off, thought 2 out of 3 would be okay to test.

I have also used my Power Supply unit on this computer which I did not need the extra power cords for there for I don't think they are the problem,

I will try and do some bios updates and see if that makes a difference, I done a few when I first got this computer but this made no difference (Forgot to put that in the first comment)
I am unsure if say the latest bios update will contain all the previous? can you advise if i need to try them all / only certain ones?

Bios updating should be a last ditch effort. Try reseating the CPU first. Then possibly updating the BIOS. To be honest though I would RMA a board before updating the BIOS in this case as it seems more likely the PCIE slot is DOA. If the BIOS update fails, in many cases an RMA will not be accepted.

Thanks for your reply,
as this was the second motherboard that had the same version as the previous motherboard resetting the cpu wouldnt have done anything, and the cpu was getting picked up fine on the motherboards system monitor,
I did do a bios update which worked fine but did not fix the issue. there for the motherboard has been sent back and a new one has now been purchased (Different make)

Thanks everyone for your advice very much appreciated.