Just a quick question, I am going to get this motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130648
This is a noob question but can I just install a HDD instead of a SSD. I know SSD are faster and recommened to install windows on but I am looking for mass storage like 2 or 3 TB. So my question is will this mother board take just a HDD? I am pretty sure it will just double checking before I buy. I think it gets hooked up to the SATA connection point but not sure which one.
This is a noob question but can I just install a HDD instead of a SSD. I know SSD are faster and recommened to install windows on but I am looking for mass storage like 2 or 3 TB. So my question is will this mother board take just a HDD? I am pretty sure it will just double checking before I buy. I think it gets hooked up to the SATA connection point but not sure which one.