Motherboard to Case Install Help!


Aug 20, 2015
I need some advice installing a motherboard into my case. I was under the impression that the Panel1 on my ASRock 970M Pro3 motherboard connected to the Power button on my case. The problem is the Panel1 Slot has 9 pins in a row of 4 followed by a row of 5. According to the manual ( each set of pins has a function. I have an old case I received from my cousin it was a Gateway DX4200-09 the only components from the old Gateway i have are the case and it's built-in ports and fans. After plugging everything into the corresponding slots I noticed something very wrong. The power-button on the case had two cords, one being a twist of a blue and a white wire connecting to something next to the case's usb ports(I assume this cord is the speaker), and the other cord being a twist of a red and a white wire that ends in only two pins labeled "PWR-1." I have no Idea what to do as obviously 2 pins don't match 9 and I've never used this case so I don't know if the power button has an LED in it or not. There is what I think is a firewire port connected to a thick cord with 9 pins but they dont match with the Panel1 slot on the board. Other than that all other cords are where they belong.
Both pins will be necessary. It does not matter which is power or which is ground.
On your case diagram, the front panel header is #13.
The two pwr button pins are the right two on the top row of 4.
If they are connected next to each other, you are good.
Sometimes cases come with other arrangements, particularly oem cases which are optimized for rapid factory assembly.
If the two leads are not next to each other, you may need to cut the plastic that connects them. A Xacto knife will do the job if you are careful.
The power button is a momentary switch.
It has no polarity.
Try the pwr-1 pair into the 9 pin set where it shows pwr. and see if it starts your motherboard.
No permanent harm will come if you get it wrong.
Ditto for the reset leads.

The led leads for the dd and power light are polarity sensitive.
If you do not see a + or - assume that the base color(white or black) is ground and the color lead is negative.
If you get it backward, the led will not light and just reverse them.

No lasting damage will result if you get these completely wrong.
Amusing results happen when you mistakenly plug the hdd led leads into the reset pins.

It might be easier to do all of this with the motherboard outside of the case.

While I appreciate your help, I am curious about one more thing. Since the cord ends in two pins which cannot be separated, which ground corresponds to power? I pretty sure the power button doesn't have leds(i just checked) with that in mind what could the two pins be for? I want to get it right the first time and how would I know if I did it wrong if there are no LEDs?
Both pins will be necessary. It does not matter which is power or which is ground.
On your case diagram, the front panel header is #13.
The two pwr button pins are the right two on the top row of 4.
If they are connected next to each other, you are good.
Sometimes cases come with other arrangements, particularly oem cases which are optimized for rapid factory assembly.
If the two leads are not next to each other, you may need to cut the plastic that connects them. A Xacto knife will do the job if you are careful.