Motherboard to work out of box (No BIOS update)


Apr 28, 2013
I am looking for a motherboard that will work without a necessary BIOS update to support the board. I do not have an old CPU laying around to update the BIOS. I want to pair this motherboard with a FX-6300. Are there any motherboards that will work with this CPU without a BIOS update for around $75 to $100.

Most boards should nowadays. that chip has been out for a bit, so any new boards would come shipped with one. Where the issue is the biggest is if you have a running system, a new chip comes out, board supports it with a bios update, so you have to update before upgrading. A few months after chips are out, any new boards coming out are fine. Don't buy one from the small PC guy who has the board sitting there for 8 months with 3" of dust on it and should be fine. lol.
Zen there are a lot of my that will. The issue with today's mb is getting a motherboard with the newest bios on it. The issue you posted happens too with intel CPU and mb. Asus now it putting a USB flashback port on some of there mb where you don't need a CPU to update the bios. I would try order the mb from larger retail vendor like micro center or newegg if you can or a large computer retailer in your country. Make sure the sales person knows you need that mb with xxxx bios to work. A lot of good vendor will make sure if it in the sales notes to send you a mb with the bios rev you need.
Ok this is the first time I am building a pc and dont want to get caught up with any BIOS issues. Do you know if manufacturers update the BIOS's to there motherboard often?


Depends on stock and how fast they go through them. A place with a 9 month old board still new, obviously will have an old BIOS on it. One that was made 2 weeks ago and just arrived from overseas at the store is going to have a newer one on it.
Zen the first thing is start with a mb you like and look at the mb qal list. There be a list for ram and CPU guild. In the guild should list the bios rev needed to post your CPU. You then look at the mb bios download page. If the mb is a newer model the first bios rev should be the one that has your CPU code in it. Older mb may have to or three or more bios updates. You have to read the info to see if the bug fixes or code updates. Vendors like asus..msi..gigabyte have very good tech support and update there products.
Ok thanks for the response, I realize these are for intel and if I do go down that path, these two boards seem to have their first BIOS support all CPUs, which board would be better for gaming, or does it not matter? B75 vs. H61


The newer i3 and i5 you want use a x77 chipset mb. If you can try buy an h77 for locked CPU and z77 for the k CPU. The h chipset has more Sata and ram slots and more features for a few dollars more. The b chipset is intel lowest level chipset. The h61 was used for the older sb CPU. If vendors still using them then they must have updated the bios for them.
Ok, I don't plan on over clocking, in fact I dont believe you can over clock on the i5-3470 chip. Could I still use the B75 for gaming? I don't care for a ton of features on the motherboard, just quality and support of moderate gaming. I really like the B75 from the link before

The h chipset has two six gig Sata ports. Most of the b chipsets have one. If you think your going to add a Ssd as boot drive then look to a h chipset mb. Your main hard drive going to take one 6g ports and if you have a cd-rom drive it take one of the 3G ports.
Ok I think I am going to go with the B75, its seems to have all the features I need and good rating on Newegg. Now whether to get and i3-3220 or i5-3470 is the next decision.