Motherboards that give options of purchasing two different BIOS-es


May 21, 2012
This is the question our HW class teacher left us with and I'll be damned if I can find anything on this subject (see below). I'm assuming this is closely related to some kind of server MB(s) rather than personal desktop dual bios MBs. Trying to think of various key search words in Google isn't turning up anything within the first three pages (or more) and trying to randomly go through Tiger Direct or NewEgg isn't really turning up anything either.

"Find two motherboards that give options of purchasing two different bios-es. Include the advantages of each bios, explaining which situation each one would be used for. This may be a difficult task so take some time.

Any help or steering in the right direction would be awesome. Thanks.
What about motherboards that are used in both OEM builds and are also sold on the retail market.

The OEM version would use a locked down OEM BIOS that prevents users from fiddling around with the settings to the degree where the motherboard won't boot up and cause the OEM's customer support costs to go up.

The retail version would offer the unlocked BIOS that allows the user to customize the settings for their specific build.
That's pretty reasonable but I think it's a bit more than that. Definitely thanks.

I just find the question really obscure and to some degree makes no sense. If you have a MB with an option to purchase more than one BIOS chip both those chips obviously have to be compatible with that MB so what actually physically makes both those chips any different from one another. Capacity, what it can be programmed to do, and how quickly it can perform it's basic functions with the interface on the MB, also needs to be swappable.

In most instances the only reason you have anther BIOS chip handy is if the original fails and you have an immediate backup. Most modern retail MBs have dual bios to perform this function. New MSI MBs have the ability (M-Flash) to back up and even load 'a BIOS' right off a USB stick (neat).

This kind of specialty would be server based I think.

If I had any hair I'd be pulling it out.
Apparently I was told to check out Intel's website for motherboards with more than 1 BIOS purchase option.

After looking at several categories and several motherboards I'm still not finding anything I've been asked to try and locate.