[SOLVED] Mount intake fans in front or behind bracket?

Thanks. Do you know the reasoning behind this? Has anybody done any public tests?
Definitely behind.

There are 2 primary reasons. The first is the pressure issue sucking air directly through any restriction, in your case mesh. The other is that it moves the fans slightly closer to the other components so the air speed will be slightly higher, also, it will make slightly less noise due to not sucking air through the mesh and slightly further from your ears.

Gamers Nexus has covered this pretty extensively, their YouTube channel is great. I can't remember which video this was specifically covered in, it was within the last few months, a glass fronted case I think.

Might be easier to fin it on their website, all reviews are...
Placement matters very little with mesh panels.
Fan placement has a stronger impact regarding restrictive panel designs: the further the fans are from the restrictions, the better.
Okay thanks for the reply. I specifically bought an airflow case (Phanteks P400A) so you're saying it doesn't matter since I have no filter? I should put them on the inside then for aesthetics?
Thanks. Do you know the reasoning behind this? Has anybody done any public tests?
Definitely behind.

There are 2 primary reasons. The first is the pressure issue sucking air directly through any restriction, in your case mesh. The other is that it moves the fans slightly closer to the other components so the air speed will be slightly higher, also, it will make slightly less noise due to not sucking air through the mesh and slightly further from your ears.

Gamers Nexus has covered this pretty extensively, their YouTube channel is great. I can't remember which video this was specifically covered in, it was within the last few months, a glass fronted case I think.

Might be easier to fin it on their website, all reviews are written up as well.

I hope this helps 👍
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