I am in the process of restoring an old PC, and it's functioning well. Currently, my main task is to upgrade the HDD to an SSD. However, when I opened it up, I discovered that it is extremely dirty, with a significant amount of dust on all the components. While the PC continues to work fine, I decided to clean the fan and the heatsink since they were clogged with dust and grime. It was a relatively simple procedure, and I didn't encounter much risk of damaging anything. However, I noticed that the fan was attached to the CPU with some adhesive, and when I removed it, I saw marks on both the fan and the CPU. Should I reattach these two components using glue? I've watched some videos where people apply a type of paste or glue between the fan and the processor, but is it necessary?
If it is indeed essential, what kind of glue should I use?
If it is indeed essential, what kind of glue should I use?