Question Mouse aim help


Aug 2, 2018
I need a lot of help with mouse aim on pc, specifically playing Warzone. Couple weeks back I bought a Deathadder and playing with 800dpi and an ingame Warzone sens of the default 12 and my aim from what I remember was actually decent and I could cope with the sens. Moving on now I broke my Deathadder because of Rage :( so I opted to get a Basilisk V2 and now playing warzone at that sens with the new mouse my aim is everywhere (it is so bad), and the Basilisk V2 has teflon feet and the DA didn't so its gliding much faster so is that why I can't control my aim? I really need advice, I am so annoyed everytime I play now constantly changing my sens ingame and raging again and again because my AIM IS BAD WITH ALL SENS NOW??? Also my arm gets stuck on mousepad making my aim stutter so I put a sock on it and I don't know if things like this is playing a part also if my desk is tall enough and if my chair is at the right height for using mouse. I use a palm grip using my wrist to aim and dragging my whole wrist and small part of my forearm on the desk. Should I be doing that? Also another thing when I aim and go to make small adjustment my wrist going flying across the desk and my aim loses control It's like I cant make small 'pixel' adjustments my shots keep going either side of the damn target I cant seem to get it pin point on aswell! There is so many issues and I have no clue exactly which one it is. I could send you a video in aim trainer if you want to see what my aim is actually like.
