This same problem got me crazy while i was installing Window 7 at a new 4TB HDD. If I had a gun on hand, I probably would have shot someone just to feel a little bit better. I was so frustrated I have tried everything and anything that you could possibly imagine, plunging & unplugging million times, setting BIOS USB legacy "ON" / "OFF" million times, restarting the computer two million times, updating BIOS, using PS2 mouse / keyboard, using brand new mouse and keyboard, re-installing Window. THEY ALL FAIL!
I read every forum that I could possibility find on the internet, same suggestions over and over again, some even go extra length to remotely control their PC and change or delete some software setting or coding, so complex that I don't even know what they are doing, I doubt if they do either. And somehow after hours of reading those forum, NO ONE - I MEAN NO ONE ON THIS PLANET EARTH could possibly answer this seemingly simple enough question directly, just for the malfunction of a little mouse and a keyboard. (which may be the simplest component on a desktop except for the little CPU fan or LED light i guess

Not even those computer geeks or IT engineering, everybody just "Guess", guessing what the problem was and making suggestions.
This so often asked question found on the internet and no one have ever solved it and gave a directly answer ?
I don't even need an explanation, just a solution to this stupid problem, still but i can't find one!
Frustrated enough, I stared at the light of the mother board which was still on while I had already given up and switched off the computer. Something suddenly hit my mind, an idea, a strange idea that probably not even making any sense to anybody, but it came up. " What if I turn off the POWER of the power adapter as well, wait until the light of the mother board goes out and restart to see what happen? But lets be honest, it doesn't matter right? What difference does that make between keeping the adapter power on or off with the malfunction USB port or mouse or keyboard ? On top of that, it wasn't even a hardware problem anyway, those mouse and keyboard just work perfectly fine with other laptops or desktop except this stupid one ! As the title already said
"Mouse and Keyboard work in Bios, wont work in Windows" The malfunction must has everything to do with bugs of window or software or BIOS or anything beside this ! "
Well, it doesn't cost me anything to try, fxxk it, lets do it ! At that time, the installation process of Window 7 was almost completed except the last step - entering the key. But you know, after (but not before) the stupid BIOS screen, when it hit the Window screen, everything stopped working, every time, every single time BUT NOT THIS TIME. Holy cow ! What the heck is going on ? After all those logical and reasonable trials suggested by everyone, it all came down to THIS ONE ? Are you kidding me ? Trust me, both the mouse and keyboard did not work during million times of trial and it worked right away after this one. I was like discovering the ultimate formula to cue Cancer you know. It is just amazing!
Frankly speaking, I just have basic PC knowledge and I don't know
why this works or how this works,
BUT IT WORKS! My "guess" is: the power adapter and the mother board seems to have some sort of voltage or current problem which makes the USB ports not working with any USB devices. Power supply is fine, but those device just do not work properly, maybe the current is too large or something which interfere with the programs or common softwares which pre-installed at Window for basic components like mouse or keyboard to work. Another guess is: the mother board seems to have some kind of memory of something, once those mouse and keyboard malfunction for the first time, it doesn't matter how many time you plug or unplug them, the problem just stay put. I noticed that the light of the keyboard is still on after the Window screen, and one time, i continuously pressing the "Cabs" button again and again during those switching screen to see when it failed. After the Window screen started, the Cabs LED light had been switched on just in time so it didn't go off. After I unplugged the keyboard and plugged in again, the Cabs LED light was still on, as if I haven't unplug it at all, time and time again. Logically, it should have turned off after I unplugged and plugged in again, maybe just the "Num" LED light on, but not the "Cabs" LED light. It's as if there is a memory of the same error somewhere saved within the desktop.
There you go, THIS IS IT ! THIS IS THE ANSWER ! If you do enjoy this story, I know you are pretty messed up and frustrated by this problem too. That's why I am here right now, just to release the pain and also help any one who is tortured by this stupid problem and looking for AN ANSWER.
If some IT or computer genius could tell me what is really happening underneath, I would be very much appreciated!
Little Joey from Hong Kong