Mouse And Keyboard Freezing or Completely stop working


Sep 2, 2016
So, im getting really frustrated, my pc with 2x 850 evos and 1tb hdd keeps freezing up every 15 mins or so. Either mouse or keyboard will freeze, sometimes a wiggle will get the mouse to work, or my keyboard will just refuse to type or function. I have a razer deathadder elite and a korsair k70. i tried reinstalling windows because i have issues like these which make me go mental but it said "could not find the recovery environment, please insert your installation/recovery media."
Tried unplugging my ssd (with the os on it) which resulted in a loop on automatic repair.

Im fuming, i just want it to work. My mouse & Keyboard are plugged into motherboard 3.0 and 2.0 connectors on the back. Any Help would be greatly appreciated. Also once this hopefully gets fixed, how can i create a recovery enviroment/fix recovery enviroment error!

Edit: whenever i use user account control i have to wiggle mouse to get it to work
Question from Venom_ : "How do i remove windows and all files (everything) off my main drive"

But, i cant do that if you look at the link it explains my issue of not being able to.