Mouse and keyboard stops working randomly


Feb 24, 2013
My mouse and keyboard stops working from time to time. When this happens i try plugging it into different USB ports sometimes that solves this problem for a hour or so, but it happens again. when this happens even if i try plugging it in different ports it doesn't help. The only solution the is restarting the computer. I tried updating the chipset drivers but still no results. I have disabled USB selective suspend, power settings are also set to high performance. There is no problem with the mouse and keyboard, i have tried it with other pc's it works fine.

Motherboard - Intel DH67CL
Processor - Intel core i5 2400
Ram - 8 GB
It looks like the mobo is having issues - not sure if it would be driver related or actual hardware failure - every computer I have work with (30+ years now), keyboard/mouse are virtually plug and play, and don't have issues.

No i have not plugged any other usb devices. Just my keyboard and mouse.