Mouse delay in Overwatch/Fortnite?


Dec 23, 2017
I had a Logitech G502 for a couple of months now, after I spent some cash on a new setup, (Samsung curved monitor 4ms, RX 560, and bronze 650W psu from corsair) I have noticed that after I play a couple matches of LoL, OW, or even Fortnite, my mouse starts to feel weird and floaty, or in better words, weirdly smooth. I bought a Logitech G703 and still get the same issue using it wireless or wired. It would be greatly appreciated! I asked about this issue earlier. I used Radeon Pro and changed Flip Queue Size to 1. And It helped but definitely did not fix it as today when I started playing Overwatch my mouse was floating all around. I cleaned my sensor, mousepad. My other GPU didn't work so I couldn't see if it was the problem. My aim doo doo now ;c
My guess is that it is due to limited system resources. Check the Task Manager for applications that are using too much Memory% or CPU%. Disable those with medium and high impact on startup. Then disable those applications that aren't used every few days. This doesn't delete them, it just stops them from running constantly.
I disabled everything in my startup, I tried playing Overwatch and I realize I get random spikes where my CPU goes to 100% usage and in-game the frames drop to below 70 and my mouse starts doing the weird floaty thing. I don't know any solution other than a upgrade.
Well, people and friends with my exact same hardware recieve over 100 fps on medium. I run it on all low with 75% render scale and barely reach that. Even If I go to 50% it still acts up.