Mouse gets stuck on primary monitor and cant move on to secondary, sometimes it just jams all together.

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Jan De Smet

Sep 12, 2013
Hey there! I appreciate anyone reading this to help me fix my problem!

What is happening is I have dual monitors, Ive had it on my previous pc, i have it here, Everything set up fairly correctly (to my knowledge) and Ive never had this problem before, it only started showing up a few months ago.

Now what happens is sometimes just at random times it will look like my pc freezes and my mouse is stuck, and doesnt reply to inputs anymore at all. This is superweird because my pc is pretty high end and browsing the internet shouldnt cause him to do this.

What happens other times is that i drag my mouse from my primary monitor (infront of me) to my secondary monitor (left) and suddenly the mouse stops at the left edge of my primary monitor, HOWEVER while I can see my mouse cursor standing still on my primary monitor on the left edge I can click things on my secondary monitor which is right of the primary one, however the actual mouse there is invisible, no icon at all, not bugged not nothing just straight up no icon.

Any help would be much appreciated!!
OK the problem I've seen involves different size monitors running different resolutions. The mouse pointer gets stuck in the corners because it hits an invisible wall. Test this by placing your pointer in the middle of the screen and then move horizontally to the other monitor. Does the pointer move correctly?
with different size monitors make sure you move the mouse between monitors in the middle of the screen. the mouse will get stuck at the top and bottom moving from the larger screen to the smaller one since the two screens don't match up in size

It seems so that the pointer moves correctly, ive also tested going up in the upper high corners, no issue there either.

Perhaps I should make it more clear, its not a persisting issue, its an issue that sometimes just shows up at random.
aside from the times it does, everything seems fine and totally working
I'm afraid I don't have a solution, but I wanted to pipe in and say the same thing just started happening to me after building a new system - the computer will run fine for a while, then randomly the PC will seem to freeze up, and the mouse will stop responding properly. Right now the mouse is stuck on the second monitor, and won't move off it. When I do try to move it, it jerks and stutters, but won't go past the edge of the screen. The actual input is still working, though, as I can still click on things on my primary monitor, I just have to guess at it because the cursor is still stuck on the second screen.

I'm using the same monitors I was using with my old system setup, and the same keyboard/mouse. I did just build a new system, though, with the following specs:

Asus M5A97 LE R2.0
AMD Athlon Phenom II x6 1055T
8 GB G.Skill RAM
MSI 560ti Hawk

Here's another clue - I can use Teamviewer to connect to my computer, and it runs fine - I can see the mouse moving on either of the monitors, even though at the computer itself the mouse cursor is still stuck on the second screen. Right now I'm working on the assumption that there is a problem with the video card or driver. Do any of your system specs match mine?

**Just as an extra note - since the computer was still responding fine via Teamviewer I thought I might try resetting the video by changing Windows to just use the single primary monitor, at which point the computer well and truly froze up. It stopped responding completely and I had to hit the reset button.
In the Resolution dialog, the monitors are tagged 1 and 2. If your main monitor is 2, and the dialog shows 1 on right and 2 on left, then the mouse won't track onto the secondary monitor (1) because windows believes it actually on the LEFT of your main monitor, not the right. And vice versa. To fix that, in the dialog, just drag the 2 to the left of 1 and you should be good to go.
I was having the same issues and found this thread looking for answers. As I read hillmanminx tip about the position of the monitors I smirked to myself about the fool that would be having these problems because of this fundamental setup of multiple monitors (the position layout of monitors). But hey, perhaps it would work to mess with those settings to shake the problem away right? What did I find?? My monitor setup somehow was one monitor above the other, not the way I set it up, so thats why after rigorously trying to go left or right I succeeded occasionally which complicated the situation even more during the problem-solving. Anyway, thanks Hillmanminx for your most excellent obvious tip :)

PS: I might add that I just recently bought my motherboard, cpu and RAM. My CPU hosts my graphics card which is perhaps the reason for my problems. My cpu uses a fm2 socket "AMD APU A8-6600K X4 3,9 GHz, Retail", perhaps more people with this problem are using their cpu as their graphics card?

well yeah when i move it towards the screen the pointer is getting stuck..............
Hello I had the same problem with windows 7 and the problem is if you right click your desktop background and go to screen resolution you will find that even if you have your screen resolution both the same it will still do it what will make it work is make sure that when you see the dual monitors on the screen doesn't matter which is primary just make sure the screen boxes are in line with each other and it fixes the problem.

Hi everyone, I suddenly had this problem with my PC...and I figured out the problem and how to fix it (at least this worked for me).
I use dual monitors which are similar in size but not exact, and never had trouble in the past. I use them in "extended" mode so I can have different windows open on each monitor.
Go to Control Panel > Displays
For the cursor to work correctly and move easily between your monitors-- that image of 2 displays MUST show them side by side in your control panel.
For some odd reason, my PC suddenly had them stacked on top of each other, and the only way the cursor would move between them was placing it in middle of bottom of #1 screen and shifting over so that the cursor comes "out" on the TOP of #2 screen, then vice versa each time. Which made sense when I saw them stacked vertically in the control panel (I know I didn't change the setting, but oh well, the gremlins at work)
Simply drag the monitors in the display image so they are SIDE BY SIDE. and your cursor will work again. Then make any other changes to the settings that you need.

I still can't make the control panel pay attention to having display 1 hold my desktop--it keeps shifting desktop to display 2, but at least the cursor isn't stuck bouncing on the edges of the monitors. I hope this helps you.
How I solved for me...I was having this same issue, which I had never had before. I've been using the same setup for about a year, and it just recently happened. I searched all over trying to find out why. Both monitors are same size, res, and brand even, and what I discovered was that in the normal resolution settings you can move the monitors in an x and y position just as you can move them to swap positions. I found out that my right monitor somewhere somehow got moved up by 10 points, so its coordinates were (1920,10). I just dragged it down until it was (1920,0) and problem solved. Give it a try see if that helps. I was unaware that feature even existed.
Don't know if this will help at all, but I recently had a similar problem on my Intel Mac with 3 screens. Cursor suddenly stuck on main leftmost screen, could get it to the others, but only with force, using broad sweeping motions. Pain in the neck. I went to system preferences/displays & discovered that the screens weren't aligned horizontally. The middle screen was shown as being below the other two. After I raised to be in line with the others the problem went away.

Hello, I am hoping you will still see this since this post is quite old. I just got a 3rd monitor that is 4k. My other 2 monitors are 1920 x 1080. My main monitor is now the 4k and is 28" and my other two are 24" monitors. How do I fix the issue where my mouse I practically hitting an invisible wall and requires quite a bit of force to get it over onto my other monitor. I saw a post a bit further down but was hoping to get a bit more of an in depth solution.

This is the solution right here. Thank you for this, fixed my issues I was having perfectly.
One simple thing to try first is:

1) Right click on the desktop area and choose the "Screen Resolution" menu item.

2) You will see the simulated images of the monitor locations, at the top of the window. You can drag this in different locations. It is really cool if you have a third monitor (triangle configuration).

3) Make sure the two main monitors, having the issue, are touching one another. I had my monitors separated and started having this issue. I put them together and BAM....issue fixed.


Wow, thank you so much man! Worked for me and saved me a lot of time and trouble. Grateful.


That did work for me, THANKS!

I had a similar problem with the mouse sometimes not moving from one monitor to the other, other times moving correctly. A couple of month's previously I had replaced the motherboard which had inbuilt Intel video and Windows found an Intel driver. I had removed the old Radon video card. I realised that I still had loaded the ATI software and drivers for the old video card and They would not uninstall. I eventually manually removed any trace that I could find of ATI and AMD software. The problem went away.

I solved the problem by disconnecting one monitor then booting up to the single monitor then shutting down. Repeat this time with only the other monitor connected. Then connect both monitors and boot up. Fixed!
I can only assume that the monitor detection in Windows 10 had tied itself in knots.
Okay, in my case monitors were set up perfectly, but cursor was still sometimes stuck on monitor dividing "line".
So i found an option, dunno exact translation (using non-English version), something like "Sticky screen edges".
Disabling it solved my problem, maybe it will be useful for somebody.
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