First of all, there are many reasons why a person might need to simulate mouse activity, including running benchmarks and test workloads.
However, every time we post about this, we get comments from folks saying that we're enabling people to goof off at work. FWIW, speaking on behalf of myself and not our company, I don't think people should cheat their jobs and pretend to work. There are few things I despise more than laziness, both in others and in myself.
I also don't think companies should use the status of your icon in Teams or Slack to judge productivity and decide if you're being lazy. First of all, managing employees by seeing how many hours their butt is in a seat and penalizing them for taking a too-long bathroom break is very lazy, poor management. I say this as someone with 20+ years experience managing people, many of whom are remote workers. You need to judge people based on what they do and treat them as adults. You need to create a culture of responsibility and lead by example.
The fact that some companies would actually use the sleep or inactivity settings in Windows to try to judge or enforce productivity is more than unfair; it's incompetent management that won't help anyone meet business goals. Second of all, if a company really wants to spy on your PC use to see if you're working a full day, they have monitoring software they can install that will not be fooled by mouse jiggling.