Mouse jumps after lifted and put back down

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Jan 20, 2017
Hi dear community!

So, I have had my ´Easterntimes Tech T6 Wired Gaming Mouse´ for almost a year now, and it had this problem ever since.

Before I only used to play strategy games where it didn´t really matter, but since I got into FPS games, it´s really annoying.
Whenever I reach the edge of my mousepad and I have to lift my mouse up and put it back down on the middle of my mousepad it jumps to one side of the screen and my character in game does a 360....
I always have to carefully and slowly place my mouse so that it doesn´t mess up.

I already tried searching for other posts/threads like this, but I couldn´t find a single one.

Btw. I even got banned in a game, because it looked like I hacked. I mean... really?

Here is an example:

Has anybody ever seen anything like this?
OK, i think you should use a different mouse for now or buy another one. If it is the mouse then maybe it's a fault. Buy a new muse and it should be fine.
this sounds like basic mouse lift off issues. so, the idea is that laser/optical mice will continue to track until they recognize they've reached their "lift off distance" from the surface they see. unfortunately, during that life, as the surface gets farther away but the eye is still tracking, the tracking is wildly unreliable. gaming mice usually have a very short lift off distance to stop this as soon as possible and allow you to reposition without having to lift very high.

so as for figuring out fixes, you can google that to learn more. i suggest trying to run a lower dps and/or mouse sensitivity in the game to reduce the effect if you cant figure something else out. also, just remembering to lift higher on a reposition might help.

I tried raising my DPS to max, and than to min, but still got the same reuslt. I also tried lift my mouse up as high as the cable let me, still the same result.
The cursor also seems to jump in the opposing direction than in which my mouse is tilted when set down.

It´s probably a problem with the mouse, I tried it on different PCs.
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