Mouse lagg or freeze after startup


Jul 11, 2013
Hey Guys,
Ive had a dell XPS computer for about 6 years now and yesterday when it was booted up it didn't boot properly and came up asking to boot from a CD i restarted it and it seemed to work fine until about 20 mins later when the mouse lagged across the screen jumpily and it didnt respond at all when i clicked on it. i decided to restart and it did the same thing. so i left it over night and when it booted this morning after about 5 mins of operation it totally froze. Can someone tell me whats wrong and how to fix it . (we cant afford to get a new computer)
Yeah sounds like Windows needs to be repaired OR your hard drive is failing (most likely considering the age). You are PAST the lifecycle of the computer, and if you have to replace the Hard Drive you may be wasting money (HDD about $129 +) as a off the shelf computer at Walmart is only $300 and will work as / faster then your old XPS.
Yeah sounds like Windows needs to be repaired OR your hard drive is failing (most likely considering the age). You are PAST the lifecycle of the computer, and if you have to replace the Hard Drive you may be wasting money (HDD about $129 +) as a off the shelf computer at Walmart is only $300 and will work as / faster then your old XPS.

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