mouse less no keyboard access

You will need a Keyboard to access the Bios
There is a shared ps2 port and USB should also work on this board
Typically Del to enter bios (usually displays options on post screen)
Have plugged into the correct ps2 ports - They are color coded for you.
If USB you may need to enable then in bios (meaning you will need a Purple plug ps2 keyboard or USB>ps2 adapter)
You may be able to access the bios through software in windows (check manufacture www)

Monitor @ Language Screen?
Is this a new Build?

As i7Baby has noted a bit more info would help

yes is new build have tried to access BIOS but have no knowledge of how to get there without keyboard access. Mo bo is duo core P4M900t-m 1 300 sata hard drive and is really simple machine
You will need a Keyboard to access the Bios
There is a shared ps2 port and USB should also work on this board
Typically Del to enter bios (usually displays options on post screen)