Mouse moves, but can't do anything with it!

Apr 4, 2018
So, I Was on discord with some friends and I Was showing them what I Was doing in photoshop, unfortunetly I Selected something and photoshop freezed, I Tried to close it nothing, i cannot stopped the screen share either, cant even open my browser, and then I Closed photoshop from task manager, then it was the same, and I Signed out from my computer then logged back in. Now I Can't move anything on my desktop, can't select anyhing, Now to be in fullscreen on youtube I need to double click on it, when I Try to move icons it opens, and all of that.

Methods I Tried:
-Uninstalling and reinstalling mouse drivers,
-Restarting my computer a couple of times,

Nothing works, I Bet I Can't even play games now, Help will be very appreciate! Thanks.
when you say you restarteed if you are in windows 10 make sure you click the restart not shutdown and then turn it back on manually.

Second.. try a different mouse? also try a different USB port (if you have a USB mouse).. other then that no idea on my end.

I Restarted it, lol, not shutdown... and I Will try, but my mouse is not the problem..

Nope, I Changed the usb port, nothing...
Question from iepureleromania : "Mouse very big problem!"

Ok, so first of all, my mouse is not the problem, its a problem from my computer, because my mouse works very well. These are the problems that I encounter with my mouse:
-When I Try to move my icons it's double clicking them to open.
-I Can't select any text, like not at all, like on Discord, Web, Everywhere.
-I Can't select more icons at once.

Methods I Tried:
-Restarting my computer couple of times.
-Changing settings in File Explorer Options.

Please guys, I Really need help, This problem appeared when I Was editing something in photoshop with sharescreen on Discord, and then my photoshop freezed, crashed, I Got my pc signed out, and then the problem appeared. I Really need help, Thank you!
Question from iepureleromania : "Mouse Desktop Problem / Windows 10"

Ok, so first of all, my mouse is not the problem, its a problem from my computer, because my mouse works very well. These are the problems that I encounter with my mouse:
-When I Try to move my icons it's double clicking them to open.
-I Can't select any text, like not at all, like on Discord, Web, Everywhere.
-I Can't select more icons at once.

Methods I Tried:
-Restarting my computer couple of times.
-Changing settings in File Explorer Options.

Please guys, I Really need help, This problem appeared when I Was editing something in photoshop with sharescreen on Discord, and then my photoshop freezed, crashed, I Got my pc signed out, and then the problem appeared. I Really need help, Thank you!

Sorry, But I posted one more thread to be more specific, and the other one I Was thinking it will go to another section.. But anyway nobody will repsond, I Can't even move windows, can't do anything... im ***