Mouse pointer freezes a few secs, often.


Jul 9, 2014
Hi all.

Wonder if anyone could offer some much needed help and advice. The mouse pointer on my PC seems to freeze for a few seconds, as if the PC is laboring. Usually, if im on Excel etc, the keyboard still works fine. Often its when I do a drag and drop on a large area of excel (if the mouse is under use) that I get the problem....but its far from exclusively on this kind of work. can happen all the time.

I note on another thread people have asked to see if there are red/yellow warnings on event log and there seems to be a LOT.

If it helps I have a few pictures here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Yes, in the processes tab it will show you what programs are running and how much CPU power they are consuming. Take a look for anything that's using a lot of CPU power. There could well be a programme running in the background that's eating up a lot of your CPU. Also could you post the specifications of your computer, RAM, CPU and so forth.
In task manager and in the performance tab how is your CPU, RAM hard drive and keep an eye on it when you do a task? the event log mentions something about insufficient memory or hard drive space.
I checked the HD space, that seems fine with 193Gig spare.

However, I think you may be on to something regards Task Manager / Performance. It seems to be idling on around CPU Usage 50% most of the time, shooting up to 70% when I use Excel and spiking up higher at 90%+ at times....this coincides with the Desktop making the laboured noise I notice. Its just done it again with no special programme open up to 100% briefly then back down to 50%.

Memory shows 1.30gb and dosnt really move...seems ok?

I think the problem quite possibly does lay with the CPU usage. any suggestions on sorting that?

Thanks for your time.
Yes, in the processes tab it will show you what programs are running and how much CPU power they are consuming. Take a look for anything that's using a lot of CPU power. There could well be a programme running in the background that's eating up a lot of your CPU. Also could you post the specifications of your computer, RAM, CPU and so forth.
ok it's related to splashtop (a remote desktop for android I think) unless you're using it kill it off and also disable it from starting when windows does. see if your CPU frees up a bit afterwards.
I stopped the process and immediately the cpu usage dropped from 50% (and higher when something was working) down to 5-10% or so.....a huge change. The PC is also much quieter now. Thanks a lot for that. Hopefully the freezing will stop also with that little fix, ill monitor it today!!

I think I can sort the issue of booting at startup (msconfig)?

Thanks so much for your help.


Not a good idea to ask a question in someone else's question more because if someone else wants to know this they may not find the question on a Google search or something.

And in regards to Windows XP or Vista providing your computer has enough power I would recommend Windows 7 over Vista, unless a lot has changed Windows Vista is as buggy as hell and in my opinion Windows 7 was basically what Windows Vista should have been but for Microsoft it just made it look better to introduce a new OS rather than admit they F'd up. Now if you don't have a powerful system by powerful I mean less than 3GB RAM and a single core processor I'd stick with XP it's old granted but it's just so solid and fast.