Basically the rubber grip on the Logitech M585 I use for my home office has the rubber grip peeling (pics below), and Logitech support is kinda useless even if it's still within warranty (bought it December). I'm of a thought of either to remove the grip or do a bit of rubber surgery. If I try to stick it back, would cryoacrylate glues work? Or is it too much trouble and just go with a naked plastic body? LOL.
It's like the rubber warped and grew bigger than it's supposed to. I guess I could do something like a skin flap removal for the excess and sew what remained together with surgical nylon thread in z-plasty format to reduce the tension but keep it tight (I've done human surgery), but I still need to use something to stick it to the plastic underside. But it's like, do I really want to do that and why not just rip it off? LOL. Plus I have no idea if this type of rubber will behave like skin. I mean, would it just crumble if I put a cut in it and sew it together? Should I forgo the attempt to sew and just use glue after cutting?

It's like the rubber warped and grew bigger than it's supposed to. I guess I could do something like a skin flap removal for the excess and sew what remained together with surgical nylon thread in z-plasty format to reduce the tension but keep it tight (I've done human surgery), but I still need to use something to stick it to the plastic underside. But it's like, do I really want to do that and why not just rip it off? LOL. Plus I have no idea if this type of rubber will behave like skin. I mean, would it just crumble if I put a cut in it and sew it together? Should I forgo the attempt to sew and just use glue after cutting?