Question Mouse repair question (rubber grip related). Any suggestions?

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Jun 26, 2017
Basically the rubber grip on the Logitech M585 I use for my home office has the rubber grip peeling (pics below), and Logitech support is kinda useless even if it's still within warranty (bought it December). I'm of a thought of either to remove the grip or do a bit of rubber surgery. If I try to stick it back, would cryoacrylate glues work? Or is it too much trouble and just go with a naked plastic body? LOL.




It's like the rubber warped and grew bigger than it's supposed to. I guess I could do something like a skin flap removal for the excess and sew what remained together with surgical nylon thread in z-plasty format to reduce the tension but keep it tight (I've done human surgery), but I still need to use something to stick it to the plastic underside. But it's like, do I really want to do that and why not just rip it off? LOL. Plus I have no idea if this type of rubber will behave like skin. I mean, would it just crumble if I put a cut in it and sew it together? Should I forgo the attempt to sew and just use glue after cutting?
Under warranty.

My suggestion: RMA the mouse and get a new replacement.


Who knows what else may go wrong with the mouse and if they see some DIY repair then the warranty will be voided.

Glues might work but that is a last resort if the warranty is not honored.

Manufacturer's do not want people to be able to fix things.

Plastics and "superglues" can be difficult to match and result in a successful bond. Often you can end up with bigger mess.....

Just FYI:

Not recommending any particular product(s) mentioned in the link.

Objective being to address issues between glues and plastics.

You can easily google for other similar links.
Under warranty.

My suggestion: RMA the mouse and get a new replacement.


Who knows what else may go wrong with the mouse and if they see some DIY repair then the warranty will be voided.

Glues might work but that is a last resort if the warranty is not honored.

Manufacturer's do not want people to be able to fix things.

Plastics and "superglues" can be difficult to match and result in a successful bond. Often you can end up with bigger mess.....

Just FYI:

Not recommending any particular product(s) mentioned in the link.

Objective being to address issues between glues and plastics.

You can easily google for other similar links.

Had a hard time getting replies from Logitech which is why I asked here. I eventually realized that I could use the grip tapes that mouse modders use for gaming mice. There's a few DIY square ones with shaping stickers and such to get the correct custom cuts for any mouse. Luckily before I actually bought some, support finally answered over a week after contacting through various avenues and have sent them the mouse. They just confirmed that they received it yesterday.

On a side note it's weird that I wasn't notified of replies to this post. I usually get those notifications.
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