Mouse Stops working when used longer


May 23, 2016
This problem has been occurring for a few months now and i have been unable for the life of me to figure it out. Unfortunately i cannot yet test the mouse itself since i don't have another computer or another mouse to try on this computer. But for the problem itself. I usually get on my computer around 2pm and the mouse works perfectly fine for a few ours, but usually around 5-6 it starts going strange. At that point almost every time i pick up the mouse to move it the cursor jumps down quite a ways (no particular distance, it seems random) and then the mouse stops working for a few seconds before it just starts to work again. I have also cleaned out the mouse with rubbing alcohol and q-tips and there is definitely nothing blocking the laser. The strangest part is that even after the mouse problem starts, the later i use my computer til, the worse the problem becomes, instead of being a 50-50 whether the mouse jumps downwards or not, it becomes more of a 90-10.
Thank you in advance for the help
What make and model mouse? Operating system and some computer information (laptop, desktop?) would be helpful also.

However, I suggest that when you start at 2 p.m. that you also start the Performance Monitor and keep an on things: CPU use, memory, everything.

See if any performance changes parallel or otherwise have a pattern matching the mouse's behavior.