Mouse stuttering/pausing for split second every 10 secs ish only in games


Dec 9, 2014
It pauses for a split second randomly from every 5 secs to 10 secs and only happens in games. A pc restart usually fixes it but sometimes doesnt.

MSI Z270 gaming pro carbon
32gb ram
gtx 1080ti
windows 10
Your hardware is nice. Good gaming system. It could be a couple of things.

1. HD issue. Run a diagnostic and determine if the drive is healthy.
2. Maybe a driver issue for the mouse. If the manufacturer has an updated driver install it.
3. It could be a mouse software issue, of some setting you've changed. Try resetting software to default.

You could try running something like HWmon in the back round whilst playing a game, so we can look at temps, voltages, CPU/GPU usage and various other metrics. Might help determine whats going on. While gaming, alt-tab out of the game, and take a screenshot of HWmon and post it here.

Thanks my system has been serving me well 😛
My temps are all normal temps but ill post it anyway (not used toms hardware much how do add pics?) . What confuses me the most is why it happens sometimes and not every time. I will remove all logitech stuff and see.
Could also be a HD problem i run all my games from ssd but windows is on HDD (dont ask i know)
I just scanned the drive and it was fine.
Im editing a lot here but ive just restarted my pc and its fine now and nothing is different. But i know its going to come back once i go off and on again. Seems like it happens more in World of Warcraft not sure though

you can use something like imgur to post a screenie.

:) :) okay, 'don't ask I know', you know what i'm gonna say.........:)

Swap that around, and get the HD/SSD stuff in control :)

When you say scanned the drive, which one do you mean. Both? First thing i'd do is bite the bullet, and re-install windows on the SSD, and maybe one or two regularly played games, and everything else on the HDD.

Aghh, logitech! I've had many a problem with one version of the software, and in the end, just simply ditched my G5 gaming mouse (which I loved when it worked - but despised when it didn't 🙁 )

Try removing the software, and managing it within windows, just to see if the problems stop. I suspect they will stop.
If so, you know it's the software from logitech, as I've reported can be problematic.

Make sure to update the software/driver from logitech and see if that sorts it.


Thanks for your reply ill try all of that later tonight as im busy and soon i will switch windows to the ssd its just a pain wiping all the apps. The worst thing is i have 2 SSD's and one of them is a terebyte 🙁 again dont ask :lol:

Hey so i finally moved my windows to my ssd and so far i haven't encountered the problem but i have yet to install the Logitech software but thanks for your help :)