Mouse too slow...


Mar 28, 2006
Hi guys/girls...

OK, here's one for you. I am one of those crazies who has their mouse pointer speed (speed cursor moves over the screen) set to max (in control panel)....

This was fine until I upgraded from a 19" screen to a DELL 2405, this being a 24" widescreen. Now the screen is massive (I run at 1920 res) and the mouse is just too slow when in XP. Is there any way I can tweak XP to speed my mouse pointer up even more.

I use a standard MS Mouse (Intelli Mouse 4 I think).

I am sure this is a problem encuntered all the time by people with massive or dual displays...

Looking forward to some interesting answers...
I would assume that the maximum speed of the mouse is limited by the signal refresh speed (or whatever the technical term is) of the hardware.

This could be limited by anyone of:

The mouse itself
The connection type (PS2, USB or god help you serial)
The software

I would imagine that the "max" setting is Windows is probably reading the hardware input at it's fastest rate, and so the only way to get the pointer to move faster is to increase the signal speed of the hardware. This will be determined by the mouse itself and the connection type.

Is your mouse cordless or wired? I've heard that cordless mice are less responsive as the the IR signal doesn't update as quickly as a corded mouse.
Default speed works great for me.... don't know why anyone would need to go any faster...

If Windows won't allow it, maybe the software for the mouse will. That would be the only way I know of to get it to move faster. There's possibly a registry tweak you could perform, but I'm not sure where you would go.
First of all my issue is not to do with tracking speed, it is the amount of movement required by my hand to move the mouse from one side of the screen to another, so bacially what I am saying is my mouse sensitivity is fine, it's just the tracking speed I'd like to up.

I do not use any specific mouse software apart from standard drivers etc, so a registery tweak could be just the ticket!

For info, I checked last night and my mouse spec is...

Optical MS Intelli Mouse 3.0 (wired)
First of all my issue is to do with the amount of movement required by my hand to move the mouse from one side of my screen to the other, so bacially what I am saying is my mouse sensitivity is fine, it's just the cursor movemennt (on the screen) I'd like to up.

I do not use any specific mouse software apart from standard drivers etc, so a registery tweak could be just the ticket!

For info, I checked last night and my mouse spec is...

Optical MS Intelli Mouse 3.0 (wired)
What mouse are you using ?
Have you installed the manufacturer driver ?

I have a Logitech MX518 and it installs it's own tweaking application and you can set the movement to an insanely fast rate (if you want to)

I had the same exact problem as you have. It raised my blood pressure and drove me crazy because I changed the mouse batteries twice and saw no improvement. (I have a wireless mouse and keyboard.) But that all changed once it dawned on me: CHANGE the keyboard batteries too!!!! Now I'm back to normal and my mouse is fine too. I didn't need any new software or new drivers, just new AAA keyboard batteries. Hope that works for you too.