Mouse/USB driver problem.


Jul 11, 2014
Over the past few months I've been experiencing a problem with my USB mouse. Basically what happens is it randomly disconnects for about 1-2 seconds, only to reconnect afterwards. During this time my cursor freezes for the whole duration of the process. It occurs at random intervals and an entire disconnect-reconnect spree can last up to an hour(if not more), sometimes it just disconnects without any sound and doesn't reconnect . I hear the Windows sound that notifies me something has been disconnected(and then reconnected), and I get a small popup from my taskbar saying that a "USB Device is not recognized". I have narrowed the problem to my USB drivers which are Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller's. when i restart windows or disable and re-enable them, they work till the next freeze. P.S. updated BIOS didn't help much.
If you have access to another keyboard and mouse, I'll suggest swapping them out and disconnecting any other USB devices. If you do not have ready access to those, try removing all other USB devices and seeing if stability comes back. I had a USB mouse die on me in a similar manner but by the time I figured it was the mouse, I was completely freezing up. It took over a month to figure since I didn't even need to touch the mouse for it to decide to act strange which had me considering everything but the mouse.

I mentioned the problem is narrowed down to the USB drivers, it doesn't matter which mouse I use, and there are no other USB connections beside it, but thanks for the suggestion.
I'm going to go with cleaning out the USB ports then - it's possible something somewhat conductive is jammed in one of the ports (doesn't necessarily need to be the one the mouse is in to cause havoc). I'm assuming you've already uninstalled and reinstalled the USB drivers for the mouse (if not, give that a shot also) - I might even go so far as to uninstall all USB drivers and reinstall only those needed.
I have a feeling this isn't going to be an easy fix but see where the above ideas take you

Both the front and the back USB ports are malfunctioning, they malfunction independently, i.e. the front ones might work while the anterior ones don't. I'll try, cleaning the USB ports, it would make sense for the pc to shut them down if it senses it may cause short circuiting, thanks for the suggestion.