Moved License Server from Win2K to Win2003


Apr 3, 2004
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.client (More info?)

We were using Terminal Services for about 6 months with no problems. We
have a Win2K domain, with 3 DCs, and Terminal Services running on a Win2K
member server (Jupiter). We had setup a license server on one of the Win2K
DCs (Mars), but hadn't purchased any CALS, as we had all Win2K TS clients
using 2K built in CALs - 14 clients regularly using it. We then started
using a couple of Win98 clients on a regular basis, using temporary
licences, but didn't manage to purchase/install CALS before the end of the
90 days. We are now using a 3rd Win98 PC on temporary CAL.

Step 2.
We needed to move the License Server to a new Windows 2003 member server, in
order to start using a Win2003 Terminal Services Server, to replace our
Win2K one. On advice from Microsoft, we deactivated the License Server on
Mars, activated License Server on the new Win2003 member server (Saturn),
and installed 27 Terminal Services 2003 CALS.

At this point, TS works fine on all the existing 2K clients, and on the 3rd
Win98 client, but we cannot use the first 2 Win 98 clients. When I look at
Licensing Server, there are 2 entries under Saturn -

"Windows Server 2003 - Terminal Services per device CAL tokens" - Type Open,
Total 27, Available 27, Issued 0
"Existing Windows 2000 Server - Terminal Services CAL token per device" -
Type Builtin, Total Unlimited, Available Unlimited, Issued 0

... but doesn't give a list of which PCs have claimed any of them.

Under the deactivated server, Mars, it lists -

"Existing Windows 2000 licence", Type Builtin, Total Unlimited, Available
Unlimited, Issued 14
"Temporary license for existing Windows 2000 licence", Type Temporary,
Total -, Available -, Issued 4
"Temporary license for Windows 2000 Terminal Services Client Access
Licences, Type Temporary, Total -, Available -, Issued 4

... and I can clearly see which computers had what CAL (though I'm not
absolutely sure what the differences are between these last 2 entries!).
Some of the 4 in the 1st "Temporary" entry are PCs which only logged in
temporarily, mixture of Win2K and Win98, as are 2 of the 4 in the 2nd
Temporary entry. The other 2 are the 2 Win98 PCs whose CAL has expired.

I'm trying to understand what is happening here. I assumed that once we had
the new Win03 License Server up and running, with CALS available, that these
2 Win98 PCs would be issued one of the new TS 2003 CALS next time they tried
to access TS. We haven't started using our new Win2003 Terminal Services
server yet, so does that mean that the existing Win2K PCs will probably not
need to get new TS2003 CAL until we do? Will the Win98 PC carry on using
its temporary license for 90 days, then grab one automatically from the new
2003 server? But if this is the case, why are the first 2 Win98 clients not
getting new 2003 CALS?

Thanks to anyone who can clarify the position here.

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.client (More info?)

You have to remove the current license from the client's hard
drive/regestry. At least I seem to remember reading that a few weeks ago
when I had to re-do my TS licensing, but, sorry I can't remember more.
Yor Suiris
Remove the kNOT to reply.
But it is best to share it with the group.

"Jan" <> wrote in message
> Step1.
> We were using Terminal Services for about 6 months with no problems. We
> have a Win2K domain, with 3 DCs, and Terminal Services running on a Win2K
> member server (Jupiter). We had setup a license server on one of the
> DCs (Mars), but hadn't purchased any CALS, as we had all Win2K TS clients
> using 2K built in CALs - 14 clients regularly using it. We then started
> using a couple of Win98 clients on a regular basis, using temporary
> licences, but didn't manage to purchase/install CALS before the end of the
> 90 days. We are now using a 3rd Win98 PC on temporary CAL.
> Step 2.
> We needed to move the License Server to a new Windows 2003 member server,
> order to start using a Win2003 Terminal Services Server, to replace our
> Win2K one. On advice from Microsoft, we deactivated the License Server on
> Mars, activated License Server on the new Win2003 member server (Saturn),
> and installed 27 Terminal Services 2003 CALS.
> At this point, TS works fine on all the existing 2K clients, and on the
> Win98 client, but we cannot use the first 2 Win 98 clients. When I look
> Licensing Server, there are 2 entries under Saturn -
> "Windows Server 2003 - Terminal Services per device CAL tokens" - Type
> Total 27, Available 27, Issued 0
> "Existing Windows 2000 Server - Terminal Services CAL token per device" -
> Type Builtin, Total Unlimited, Available Unlimited, Issued 0
> .. but doesn't give a list of which PCs have claimed any of them.
> Under the deactivated server, Mars, it lists -
> "Existing Windows 2000 licence", Type Builtin, Total Unlimited, Available
> Unlimited, Issued 14
> "Temporary license for existing Windows 2000 licence", Type Temporary,
> Total -, Available -, Issued 4
> "Temporary license for Windows 2000 Terminal Services Client Access
> Licences, Type Temporary, Total -, Available -, Issued 4
> .. and I can clearly see which computers had what CAL (though I'm not
> absolutely sure what the differences are between these last 2 entries!).
> Some of the 4 in the 1st "Temporary" entry are PCs which only logged in
> temporarily, mixture of Win2K and Win98, as are 2 of the 4 in the 2nd
> Temporary entry. The other 2 are the 2 Win98 PCs whose CAL has expired.
> I'm trying to understand what is happening here. I assumed that once we
> the new Win03 License Server up and running, with CALS available, that
> 2 Win98 PCs would be issued one of the new TS 2003 CALS next time they
> to access TS. We haven't started using our new Win2003 Terminal Services
> server yet, so does that mean that the existing Win2K PCs will probably
> need to get new TS2003 CAL until we do? Will the Win98 PC carry on using
> its temporary license for 90 days, then grab one automatically from the
> 2003 server? But if this is the case, why are the first 2 Win98 clients
> getting new 2003 CALS?
> Thanks to anyone who can clarify the position here.
> Jan
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.client (More info?)

I have already removed the CAL from the PC by removing this key from the


as per Ms article 248430,but this hasn't done the trick.

Thanks for your help, anyway.


"Yor Suiris" <> wrote in message
> You have to remove the current license from the client's hard
> drive/regestry. At least I seem to remember reading that a few weeks ago
> when I had to re-do my TS licensing, but, sorry I can't remember more.
> --
> Yor Suiris
> Remove the kNOT to reply.
> But it is best to share it with the group.
> "Jan" <> wrote in message
> news:uQX79FdWEHA.1144@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
> > Step1.
> > We were using Terminal Services for about 6 months with no problems. We
> > have a Win2K domain, with 3 DCs, and Terminal Services running on a
> > member server (Jupiter). We had setup a license server on one of the
> Win2K
> > DCs (Mars), but hadn't purchased any CALS, as we had all Win2K TS
> > using 2K built in CALs - 14 clients regularly using it. We then started
> > using a couple of Win98 clients on a regular basis, using temporary
> > licences, but didn't manage to purchase/install CALS before the end of
> > 90 days. We are now using a 3rd Win98 PC on temporary CAL.
> >
> > Step 2.
> > We needed to move the License Server to a new Windows 2003 member
> in
> > order to start using a Win2003 Terminal Services Server, to replace our
> > Win2K one. On advice from Microsoft, we deactivated the License Server
> > Mars, activated License Server on the new Win2003 member server
> > and installed 27 Terminal Services 2003 CALS.
> >
> > At this point, TS works fine on all the existing 2K clients, and on the
> 3rd
> > Win98 client, but we cannot use the first 2 Win 98 clients. When I look
> at
> > Licensing Server, there are 2 entries under Saturn -
> >
> > "Windows Server 2003 - Terminal Services per device CAL tokens" - Type
> Open,
> > Total 27, Available 27, Issued 0
> > "Existing Windows 2000 Server - Terminal Services CAL token per
device" -
> > Type Builtin, Total Unlimited, Available Unlimited, Issued 0
> >
> > .. but doesn't give a list of which PCs have claimed any of them.
> >
> > Under the deactivated server, Mars, it lists -
> >
> > "Existing Windows 2000 licence", Type Builtin, Total Unlimited,
> > Unlimited, Issued 14
> > "Temporary license for existing Windows 2000 licence", Type Temporary,
> > Total -, Available -, Issued 4
> > "Temporary license for Windows 2000 Terminal Services Client Access
> > Licences, Type Temporary, Total -, Available -, Issued 4
> >
> > .. and I can clearly see which computers had what CAL (though I'm not
> > absolutely sure what the differences are between these last 2 entries!).
> > Some of the 4 in the 1st "Temporary" entry are PCs which only logged in
> > temporarily, mixture of Win2K and Win98, as are 2 of the 4 in the 2nd
> > Temporary entry. The other 2 are the 2 Win98 PCs whose CAL has expired.
> >
> > I'm trying to understand what is happening here. I assumed that once we
> had
> > the new Win03 License Server up and running, with CALS available, that
> these
> > 2 Win98 PCs would be issued one of the new TS 2003 CALS next time they
> tried
> > to access TS. We haven't started using our new Win2003 Terminal
> > server yet, so does that mean that the existing Win2K PCs will probably
> not
> > need to get new TS2003 CAL until we do? Will the Win98 PC carry on
> > its temporary license for 90 days, then grab one automatically from the
> new
> > 2003 server? But if this is the case, why are the first 2 Win98 clients
> not
> > getting new 2003 CALS?
> >
> > Thanks to anyone who can clarify the position here.
> >
> > Jan
> >
> >
> >