Moving a deskop from living room to my bedroom but have wifi problem


Nov 2, 2014
I'm currently in my living room as i tried moving my computer to my bedroom but the wifi could not reach that far, my living rooms is downstairs and my bedroom is upstairs hence why i cant receive wifi from upstairs.

How do i move my modem in order to get wifi upstairs as most of my electrical appliances are upstairs?
Unless you absolutely have to move your modem, you are better off purchasing a wifi range extender or powerline adapter. Personally I would go with the powerline adapter. It uses you homes existing electrical system to transmit your data. They vary in price depending on the speed.
Unless you absolutely have to move your modem, you are better off purchasing a wifi range extender or powerline adapter. Personally I would go with the powerline adapter. It uses you homes existing electrical system to transmit your data. They vary in price depending on the speed.

okay thanks 😀