Moving a OS Hdd to a new pc just to copy the files


Feb 26, 2013
Hello i have a fairly simple question:

I just installed windows XP on a system which someone gave away to me.
I have another (older) system with windows xp installed and a bunch of important files stored.
Can I simply remove the HDD containing the windows xp and important files, plug it to the new system, boot from the clean installation hdd and simply copy my files to the clean installation drive, the format the older OS hdd to a simple storage drive?
I could test this but its really not easy for me to remove the drive to check it so i'd rather know if its possible to boot from the normal hdd without any conflicts and if its possible to browse files on the older OS hdd with windows installed but not booted from it.
Seriously XP. We can't afford new systems, and the systems we have can't afford windows 7 due to ram limitations (0.5GB ram/1Gb ram). I will consider upgrading the ram on the new system to install windows 7 but its not my priority. XP does fine for the purpose i need this system.
So, I just have to plug the disk, and make sure the system boots from the right HDD. I guess boot priority options in BIOS is what I have to check. Then from my computer i will be able to browse files on the disk and copy them. then format the disk and keep it for storage purposes. thanks