So I'm not really a hardware kinda girl(err wasn't before this) so I figured if I got a new gpu I just swap it and I'm good right? So I order a GeForce 1070 and then I say "crap" cause I realized Alienware possibly has the Worst power supply in the history of electricity ever. So, I emergency order a 600 watt psu and figured installing it wouldn't be a hassle, so I get both and I try to make it work, only to my surprise that I have absolutely 0 space for this to work. So I read online about people moving their x51 to new cases and the corsair 350 d looks pretty promising but before I make another major Mess up, how and what do I do, what would I need, and stuff like that I need to know. Although it seemed pretty straightforward about moving it (aside from telling the bios to ignore the default power supply not being there)