Question Moving folders location?


Apr 10, 2009

I will follow this guide to move my desktop folder location from C: to E:

My Samsung SSD (only contain Windows) is C: and Windows 10 is installed on C:

My WD 3.5 inch internal hard disk (only contain data files) is E:

Q1. After moving the desktop folder location to E:, what happens if in future my WD 3.5 inch internal hard disk is faulty or I unplug it? After power on pc will windows still auto load successfully to the the final screen that shows desktop icons? Would windows still load successfully to the final screen that shows desktop except that no desktop icons and desktop files are seen?

Q2. Can I follow this same guide to move these [Documents] [Downloads] [Desktop] [Music] [Pictures] [Videos] folders location from C: to E: ?



Even though I wrote a tutorial on this specific procedure, long ago, I no longer recommend relocating those Libraries.

Windows and applications have gotten far better at managing multiple drives or partitions.

You do not have to use those Libs for your files.

On your E drive, create a couple of top level folder. MyDocs, MyPics, etc.

The next time you use one of your applications, save the file to the relevant folder you've created.
Then next time you use that same application, it will default to that same folder.

The location for Downloads through your browser(s) is easily changed in the browser settings.
My default d/l location is a whole other system, a shared folder on my NAS.
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Q1. After moving the desktop folder location to E:, what happens if in future my WD 3.5 inch internal hard disk is faulty or I unplug it?
User created shortcuts and files get lost.
Q2. Can I follow this same guide to move these [Documents] [Downloads] [Desktop] [Music] [Pictures] [Videos] folders location from C: to E: ?
Yes. Just make separate folder for each of folder you want to relocate.
If you relocate them so same folder, then contents get merged and there's no easy way for separating contents back again.
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Q1. After moving the desktop folder location to E:, what happens if in future my WD 3.5 inch internal hard disk is faulty or I unplug it? After power on pc will windows still auto load successfully to the the final screen that shows desktop icons? Would windows still load successfully to the final screen that shows desktop except that no desktop icons and desktop files are seen?
Expanding this to other folders, if the location they're on no longer exists, Windows will complain it can't read them. You can fix this by doing the following:
  1. Go to C:\Users.
  2. Open the folder name with your user name.
  3. Right-click on the desktop and select Properties.
  4. Under the Location tab, click the Restore Default button.
  5. Once done, restart your PC.
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Apr 10, 2009
Even though I wrote a tutorial on this specific procedure, long ago, I no longer recommend relocating those Libraries.

Windows and applications have gotten far better at managing multiple drives or partitions.

You do not have to use those Libs for your files.

On your E drive, create a couple of top level folder. MyDocs, MyPics, etc.

The next time you use one of your applications, save the file to the relevant folder you've created.
Then next time you use that same application, it will default to that same folder.

The location for Downloads through your browser(s) is easily changed in the browser settings.
My default d/l location is a whole other system, a shared folder on my NAS.

My purpose of moving all these [Documents] [Downloads] [Desktop] [Music] [Pictures] [Videos] folders is to store all data files into My WD 3.5 inch internal hard disk (only contain data files) E:, I already saved all documents I created myself into WD 3.5 inch internal hard disk E:, so if C: SSD hard disk fails or I reformat Windows, all my data will still be available WD 3.5 inch internal hard disk E:

There are always unexpected software that will auto create folders or save to these [Documents] [Downloads] [Desktop] [Music] [Pictures] [Videos] folders e.g. my new canon printer save scanned documents to [Documents], older canon printer save it to [Pictures] and not sure what software has created empty folders [Saved Pictures] [Screenshots] inside [Pictures] that seems to prepare them to save future images, [Documents] folder has many folders and files created by different software e.g. [samsung] [Scanned Documents] [Bluetooth] [Reflect] [VideoOutput] etc

I do not want to use those Lib for files I created myself, but there are too many software using those Libs to store their files automatically into [Documents] [Downloads] [Desktop] [Music] [Pictures] [Videos] folders.
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Apr 10, 2009
I come across this video [How to move the Documents folder in Windows the right way] How to move the Documents folder in Windows the right way - YouTube

0:48min to 2:22min of this video it shows click Start>click Settings>click System>click Storage>click Change where new content is saved (then this screenshot seen in 1:15min of the video appears View:

Is these steps 0:48min to 2:22min needed? This is the first time I come across a guide changing "Change where new content is saved (seen in 1:15min of the video)", does it need to be done?