Moving used HD installed with Windows to new MoBo questions


Jan 6, 2012
Hello All,

I am looking into building my own PC but to save money until I can afford an SSD and a bgger HD, I wanted to use my current 500GB hard drive that already has Win7 installed. I don't know if this is possible but if I could get any tips or assistance with this it would be greatly appreciated.

I will say I don't have the Win7 disk as it was installed for free by a buddy of mine so I hope that won't be an issue.


Unfortunately, moving a Windows installation doesn't work like this. A new system means different hardware, which requires different drivers.

It won't even boot on you new machine, you'll have to do a proper reinstall.
Those who do not know should not speak. It is totally possible. I am an expert because I am an expert at getting one Symantec Ghost Image to work on vastly different hardware. This is technically speaking the same thing. So here's what you need to do: While HD is in old PC you need to follow the steps when you google "Mergeride.reg" Specifically this: Don't skip any steps. Then move the drive. Yes you may have many drivers to update but the critical one, the Hard Drive Controller Chipset is what is the difference between a successful boot into windows or a Stop statement BSOD. So it's Easy.