Moving Windows '95 Setup To Floppy


Sep 26, 2001
I've recently acquired an old laptop with no CD/ROM drive. Is it possible to copy my Windows '95 setup CD to floppy? Thanks.
May the force be with you.

<font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new">If you were to have sex with your clone would that be considered incest or masturbation?</A></font color=red>
Yes. You need a special program (was it winimage?) that allows you to format a 1.44MB floppy to 1.67MB by removing some error space. Then you'll need around 30 floppies. I'd suggest transferring all the files to a file named Win95 on the hard drive and running settup from there.

Far better is to simply pull the laptop drive and put it in another PC, and copy the entire Win95 directory to it. 2.5" to 3.5" drive adapters cost around $3.50

<font color=blue>There are no stupid questions, only stupid people doling out faulty information based upon rumors, myths, and poor logic!</font color=blue>
A parallel port cable (direct connect) for a couple bucks can do it, but it would be really slow. I totally forgot about that. You can buy them at Best Buy and then just copy everything to the hard drive through another computer. It's probably faster than the floppy technique.

<font color=red>
<A HREF="" target="_new">If you were to have sex with your clone would that be considered incest or masturbation?</A></font color=red>
That would require a program...which would probably require you to load some kind of simple OS like dos...which is FAT16...not a good way of doing things. I ALWAYS pull the hard drive and transfer the Win95 directory on another computer when faced with this situation, it's the best way, for many reasons. Oh, Win95 B and C run on FAT32 if you format in FAT32.

<font color=blue>There are no stupid questions, only stupid people doling out faulty information based upon rumors, myths, and poor logic!</font color=blue>
did u succeed?
i have the same problem
I'd just take out the HDD
But i have no idea how, it's an imported model from Mitac M722.
Anybody got info how to open up a laptop???

every laptop i have seen you can take out the hard drive without taking the whole thing appart. usually some screws or a press release on the bottom. i even saw one where you had to take the keyboard off to get to it, that was gay. i recomend caution cause i destroyed the keyboard getting it off lol. cs game server -
No extreme caution required, provided you get ALL the screws... hehe. Some have clips as well; you just gotta take a good look at what's holding the keyboard in place before proceeding. Older laptops quite commonly required removal of the keyboard before you could access the hard drive. I remember one Presario model where you had to take the keyboard AND top cover off, because the hard drive was tucked under the floppy drive to one side of the case.

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