[citation][nom]11796pcs[/nom]As I've been saying, the amount of time and effort Microsoft put into IE9 shows that they actually care about making a good browser. I think the "IE sucks" mentality should be re-evaluated. Remember that IE9 did win in a Browser Grand Prix when it first came out. Hopefully Microsoft can make lots of good improvements in IE10 to catch up with Chrome's speed and features. I do not think that the release cycles that Chrome has are a good idea though. You saw Mozilla try and fail with this concept. You should take your time on making a solid browser instead of just rushing everything out the door with no quality assurance.[/citation]
You ignore that Microsoft can not make a competitive product. They want to, but they can't. IE is not competitive, never has been, and never will be.
They can only leverage a monopoly. When that fails, their product fails. They can only leverage their Windows monopoly somewhat to favor IE, and it's just not enough for a company that is used to making sub-standard products and making people like it.
IE is becoming irrelevant. Microsoft should partner with anyone that can help them fight Google, who are a much more successful company in coming out with products that can compete. Losing the browser war is inevitable, better to lose it to Mozilla than to Google, which is dominating Microsoft already, and competes with them on many fronts.
It's ironic how Microsoft has become a submissive worm, partnering with anyone who can fight the powerhouses. It used to be other companies had to do that against Microsoft. As Jobs said, Microsoft is now irrelevant. Strange times, indeed.