MPAA Wants MegaUpload Data Saved for Future Lawsuits

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Without internet distribution I'd probably listen to mainstream music by RIAA. Nowadays I can say I boycott RIAA simply because I don't appreciate their music. So it's not about piracy but market domination.
Why not let MPAA sort through all data and delete the copyright infringing one while paying for the upkeep (i don't want to see tax funds paid for corporate interests, after all mpaa initiated this). Then return the users private data, after all Mega upload DO have loads of personal data and by detaining that they are denying the individuals their right to it...

They can't claim that mega upload is denying artists ect their rights and at the same time denying mega upload users access to their by right personal data. Well maybe they can, after all "justice" seems to be for sale nowadays - Its all a matter of price! Scumbags!
If kim wants to keep that data for his defense, he must be very confident that the majority of the files are personal data. I'm surprised the mpaa doesn't wan't it destroyed based on that...
[citation][nom]rrod518[/nom]...the majority of the files are personal data...[/citation]
Yeah. Good one. It's mostly just personal notes and writing, spreadsheets, and baby pictures.
And that may actually be a good deal. It works out to about $275k per month.

From Google, 500TB would cost you $44662 per month just for storage [no access] and MegaUpload was using 50x as much.

For that first 500TB, you are paying an average of $89 per TB per month; for 25 PB to come out to $9000 per day, they had to give you the other 98% of the storage at just $9 per TB...
Motion Picture Association of America says it doesn't intend to use the info to sue individual users.
I smell a dirty rat with that comment.
The MPAA says it wants the information because it might decide it wants to sue the file-sharing site and others for copyright infringement.
Others eh? Sounds like they want to invade personal files to look for copyright infringement.
If you burned the 25 PB onto CD-Rs, you'd need about 41 million of them, and stacked up they'd be over 30 miles tall

That might be somewhat inconvenient... how about a million 25GB bluRay discs? :) Neatly stacked floor to ceiling, they'd fill a 7x10 room...
6000 hard drives @ 4TB each will do just fine.
Let's see, at about $200 each that's $1.2 Million.
Financed at 6% that would cost you about $200/day.

Much cheaper than paying $9,000/day to host the files.
I have a feeling the 9k/day are not realistic and more a PR stunt.

Data centers don't use desktop SATA drives, they use SAS drives, which are smaller in size and much more expensive. They will also have those drives in RAID arrays, which means even more drive. Then you need enclosures, RAID CARD and systems to handle all those drives and the costs keep going up.
A quick newegg search put 1 TB SAS drive at ~$500, so taking your 6000 number for 4TB drive, multiple it by 4, then by $500, the drive will cost $12 million, and that isn't factoring in extra for RAID.

TLDR: $9K/Day cost are probably correct
To get $200 per day, without any interest I'm getting over 16 years of payments... I have to go out to liek a 70 year loan to get down to $200 per day... I don't think that is going to fly. You'll have to replace every drive in the array a dozen times before the first batch is even paid off.

With 6% interest and figuring 36 monthly payments and $200 per drive, I get a cost of $1200 per day.

Now those "4TB" drives probably have an actual formatted capacity of 3.6TB, so you'll actually need more. I come up with 7037 drives. At $200 each, now your payments work out to $1408 per day.

The company that provides the service now, presumably has redundancy-- so you're probably looking at double that. Now were up to $2815 per day.

If the average drive lasts 8 years, you'd have an average of 5 drives failing every day; that is another $1000 per day [assuming the same volume pricing].

Those drives just aren't stacked up on the floor [if they were, just bare drives piled up on a pallet, it'd be over 11' tall], they are presumably in servers, that you have to pay for. And those are in racks. And those servers use a lot of electricity and require a lot of outside cooling and a building to keep them in and employees to monitor and replace drives, insurance, etc.

due to the site being taken down the TOS is now void and all data esp user data should be wiped out.
those with information that is not illegally stored on the site need to bring a class action lawsuit against the government of the united states ASAP and file an injunction into the enforcement of the take down order for all it's violations of the constitution of the united states and the laws violating that to be directly under the injunction while they are reviewed for being unconstitutional.
the MPAA should also be filed against in a civil suit by user(s) with legal data and assessed a fine of 10 dollars per day or more (if company or scientific data is stored on there) per user. the MPAA should also be required to show proof that all 66+ million users were violating it's copy right claims in order to have any authority in having law enforcement carry out it's duty and a federal suit seeking jail time for every member in the MPAA and it's staff face 10 years per user that was violated in this instance who can not be proven to have done copyright infringement.
Dear MPAA, at your request data is being preserved, we expect immediate payment of $9000 per day for storage fees, and $2500 per day for miscellaneous administrative costs arising from your request. Minimum storage term is 6 months. If payment is not received within 24hrs of this notice all data will be deleted.
Yours truly,
Mr. Kissa Mya assus
side note some of you guys are getting to technical with costs and saving the data, they can offload it to dvd's or sata drives at less cost and once it's offloaded it can be disconnected a brand new hdd fully loaded put in a box with thousands of other brand new hdd's not being used or dvd's then the only charge beyond that is warehouse storage space.
it's only fair that the MPAA and justice department pick up the entire tab otherwise with a few mouse clicks it can be gone and re rented to some one else.
or hopefully google contracts with Carpathia and buys up the servers for it's cloud service.
I wish the MPAA would go die in a fire. I mean, seriously, they arent happy enough they got the site taken down by their FBI lackeys. No, now they see the dollar signs in trying to further extort money from people via this load of shit. Assholes...
For the "OMG $9000 a day" crowd, what you have is many, many servers (hint: They cost 20x what your gaming rig cost), expensive hard drives, and quite a few IT people making anywhere from $15/hr to $100/hr+ each to run it all, then megawatts of electricity to power and cool it all. $9000/day is a phenomenal price.
OH MAN I WISH I WAS CARPATHIA RIGHT NOW!!!! I would so mail the court and the MPAA that unless they pay me the total lump sum of $1 billion, for my massive amounts of expenses thats putting me in the ground. Im declaring bankruptcy and using DOD's method of HDD wiping. Than if they dont pay up, after the wipe is complete sue them for lost wages/profit.

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