MSFT: Feedback for the Vomit Ad Was Quite Good

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Jul 3, 2007
Only people that don’t watch The Simpsons, Family Guy or South Park would think this commercial is indecent. You know who you are; American Idol viewers.


Apr 20, 2009
Its pretty obvious the woman saw two girls one cup. That's the only thing that can make someone barf THREE times.


'Humor' like that might indeed fall into the category of 8 year old kids, not adults.
Most likely she puked after seeing that her 'computer nerdy' husband used IE8!
Seeing him lay there she probably vomited over him again as a repellent to that awful browser!

You got to know most people go to the kitchen to eat something or to a bathroom break when ads and commercial is on. No sane person loves watching ads. But I stand amazed MS didn't get sued yet, for nearly choking someone to death after they got shocked seeing the commercial and their brownie got stuck in their throat!


Jun 3, 2009
I agree that it was a pretty disgusting add, but, I have to admit, it was effective in getting my attention (not so much in making me use IE8, but that's another story). That is what advertising is about, right? Getting people's attention? Maybe they went a little overboard with the puking, but sometimes these days you have to hit people over the head to wake them up from their TV-watching trance. The whole thing reminds me a little of the Volkswagen commercials a while ago where they filmed their cars getting in real accidents with real people in them. Questionable subject matter, but hey, it works...


Dec 23, 2008
OK here is the thing about asking us, the IT crowd, what we think of marketing campaigns. We, for the most part, don't know dick about it. I mean think about it. How many of us were the popular kids in school. THe jocks etc etc. I'm betting few to none. I sure as hell wasn't. Many of us were the outcasts of society and thus the world of IT was perfect for us - least amount of human interaction.

Not all of us stayed that way after school, with most of us becoming productive memebers of society and good, accepting people. However, we can't ignore the fact that we don't understand the common man - we are nothing like him. In MY opinion, we are better, but of course I would think that. Point is, when a marketing ad like this comes along that is designed to speak to the common man, we find it base, stupid, gross and immediatl predict that it will be ineffective and fail. But, since we don't really know what we are talking about, we cannot at all speak for the common man. Hence, you get an ad like this, that we flame and yet is actually effective at communicating a feature set in ways that even joe average can understand. Perhaps it is time we recognize that we represent, at best, a fringe of society and our views will often differ greatly from the market as a whole and thus any judgements we make have relevancy only to our own community.


Nov 23, 2008
hey... I watch Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park!

But I thought the AD was unprofessional, not really funny and that she was throwing up on the guy because she hit a site was just looking at called "2 girls 1 cup" or something worse ;)

There is a funny little video on the net somewhere, I forgot the name. But its these two dorks on a blind date. Barf is involved and its funny. I can't remember the name. I think it starts with a C. They are eating Mexican food.

IE8 still sucks... so it doesn't matter what they advertise.


Aug 26, 2008
If we think MS was right to remove it?
Well, they did what they knew will have to be done.

The ad is insulting, in my opinion, and still, bragging about an overwhelming positive reaction is even more of an insult.

They could have done it in a more acceptable way, for example:
-she takes the computer and asks why there's nothing saved in the browser's history
-he says he didn't want her to see what present he bought for their anniversary (looks at the camera and blinks)
-and that famous actor comes to say "you don't need to do that, there's a private browsing mode in ie8 now"

But that would be no shock and awe for us, and this is the only effective strategy for marketing their browser. (also, why start a campaign to advertise IE?).

gnesterenko is right. it's long since I've last time seen an IT professional preferring to use IE. We know what we want and where to get it from. Those not such tech savvy are the majority, the ad is for them, and I still believe they didn't deserve that.


Jan 29, 2007
Now there'll be more airtime for the IE8 fart commercial you know has to be in the works.

Maybe they're just going for the myspace crowd.. that's a lot of people.


Jan 2, 2007
Look at what is popular on youtube... it represents what I think about the general public, and therefor I am not surprised people liked OMGIGP.


I'm a big fan of Family Guy (ipecac episode anyone?) and South Park, and I've seen every episode of each. However, one big difference is those are animated. It's no surprise that the MS ad offended a lot of people. Personally, I can't stand to see vomit IRL. Plus the lengthy, beeped-out URL was kinda annoying.

Overall the ad was more like a clip from MADtv, which might be ok for a late-night laugh (which neither MADtv nor SNL have been able to produce from me for years now,) but it doesn't really work for professional, mainstream advertising.
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