msgsrv32 illegal operation

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About 50% of the time that I start up Win98SE, msgsrv32 performes an illegal operation when the password comes up. When I click close, windows will not load up. I just reformatted a week ago and I don't feel like doing it again. Thanks for any help!
Might sound change but trust me.

You need to clear the BIOS and then boot to a DOS prompt.

RUN the "DATE" and "TIME" command

shut the computer off and it should fix the problem.

I got the same damn problem. If you have a on-board sound card i heard that if gives you the msgsrv32 error. It has to do with you sound card and you need to update its drivers. I still havent been able to fix this error ether...
Oh well im building a new computer in the morning, (go to hell msgsrv32 error
I had this prob on a computer a while ago. I'll let you know when I remember how I fixed it.
Just recently I had to deal with this problem for a friend. In her case it was caused by the onboard Sound Pro chip and old drivers. Only solution I got to work was to do a fresh install of windows and only use the latest driver revision for the sound chip, anything else and it was back to the msgsrv32 error.

It took some trial and error tests but the newest drivers completely eliminated the problem. Hope this might help in some form, and Good luck.