MSI 1050ti very low fps


Apr 5, 2017
My friend need help , he sent me this and I need some people's opinions

i bought this computer

i have fitted in an msi 1050ti and im not getting good fps, im running games on low settings and its still not making a difference, i fitted crosair power supply at 650 watts.

does anyone know why my graphics card is under performing, this is a screenshot of my processors performance

can anyone help please??
More about : gtx 1050ti low fps
This is my friends new pc , but yes that's what I said but I hoped that wasn't the problem , if he wants to solve it whats does he have to do ?
Right now we don't know for sure, try the drivers I suggested, then reboot the machine and try a game from steam.
Try using medium high settings, make sure your internet connection is fine make sure there is not too much going on in game.
A good example would be tribesacend from Hirez-Studios that should display the fps counter or use steams built in one.
If there isn't alot of action going on and his fps is still slow, use his apu in tribes only and see if it gets better or worse.
If its better then the card itself might be bottle-necking and he will need to choose something else that will handle it.
It would be also useful to know exactly *what* the fps are in *what* games. One person's fine is another person's unplayable. Data is a lot more helpful here than a relayed subjective feeling of a third party not participating in the discussion.

Please don't hijack someone else's thread. Start your own please.