MSI 1080 TI Gaming Connection to PSU (6+2 pins x2)


May 30, 2017
I recently bought one MSI 1080 TI Gaming. When I researched online, I saw that it had two power connections (8 pins and 6 pins). I also discovered that the card comes with a 6-pin to 8-pin adapter.

I have a Sentey 850 power supply. It comes with two pairs of 6 + 2 pins.

Now, when I open the card, I find that it has two 8-pin connections and a single 6-pin to 8-pin adapter.

I made one of the connections with the adapter that comes with the board. My question is with the other connection.

The power supply cables of my PSU ends in 6 + 2. If I connect both together to the 1080 ti, they enter without difficulty, but the "drawing" does not match to the one on the card input. See images below

A) This is the Sentey 850 power cable (without the card's adaptor)


As you can see, 1 and 2 are "truncated squares"

B) MSI 1080 ti Gaming power input


As you can see, 1 is a "normal square" and 2 is a "truncated square"

C) MSI 1080 ti Gaming power Adaptor


The power adaptor has the same "drawing" as "B"

As I said before, the 6 + 2 pin cable goes perfect on the card. But the difference in the drawings makes me doubt.

Also, I want to clarify that in the adapter that comes with the card, pin "1" is jumpered from another cable. And pin "2" has no wire, it's empty.

One idea that had occurred to me was to connect the cable 6 + 2 of the PSU and to cut the cable that goes in pin "2".

Sorry for my English, it's not my native language.

Thank you very much

why do they make that key to fit and then dont give you keyed to match plugs ??? my psu are all exact matching male and female

they will fit [rounded peg in square hole thing ] and latch in place just as long as the 'latch side of the male plug is on the latch side of the female plug [pictures A and B ]

I guess that where a psu manufacture puts a little more quality in to there product using correct keyed connectors

''There is nothing wrong, the connection can be either round or square if the port is square, it dosent matter.
By making the plug round they can ensure it will fit in any port, round or square''

nothing wrong with the connector...


May 30, 2017
Thank you all for the answers. You are very kind.

My main doubt is that the figures do not match, as you can see in the photos

I am afraid to burn the card if I connect the pins the way they mention it (again, because the drawings do not match). Both pins (the pair that is separated from the 6-pin cable) have black wires

Btw, I updated the links to the pictures. Thank you, junkeymonkey :)

Yes, they don't match, but note that even now there's only one way to install those connectors. And that's all that matters. The only reason there are two shapes of pins is to prevent putting the plug into wrong socket (like using 6+2 pin PCIe into 8-pin EPS socket) or at wrong position (if you were to put 6-pin plug into 8-pin socket, you *could* try putting it into either left 6 slots, or right 6 slots, but if you do so, you would quickly found that it fits only one way).
why do they make that key to fit and then dont give you keyed to match plugs ??? my psu are all exact matching male and female

they will fit [rounded peg in square hole thing ] and latch in place just as long as the 'latch side of the male plug is on the latch side of the female plug [pictures A and B ]

I guess that where a psu manufacture puts a little more quality in to there product using correct keyed connectors

''There is nothing wrong, the connection can be either round or square if the port is square, it dosent matter.
By making the plug round they can ensure it will fit in any port, round or square''

nothing wrong with the connector ??? then why is it incorrect to start withn ?? [cheap generic china parts and not atx standard]

that's ment to stop you from plugging things in the wrong spot not just how ever what ever ... lol.....
