MSI 760GM-p23 Splash Screen ok, POST ok, then flashing Cursor


Jul 11, 2015
Building new computer, Had issues with PSU, replaced, loaded windows and machine has been working fine. Decided to take a look at the BIOS settings, did not change anything, just hit save and exit. Then computer rebooted, POST Beep ok, MSI Flash Screen ok, flashing cursor with black screen. HD not flashing. Reset CMOS, Removed Battery, still no go. Change boot to CD and inserted Windows disk, worked fine and tried to load windows. It could see the partitions on the HD. Cancelled, and tried again, no go, Removed Graphics Card, connected monitor to mother board, same result. Changed SATA cable, changed to different SATA connection, still no go. HD is spinning but light only flashed during the time it tried to load windows. All looked ok in BIOS, tried optimized setting, no go, tried default setting, no go, BIOS shows all drives and devices, CPU etc.