msi 970 gaming motherboard cpu fits??


Mar 10, 2016
hi i have a msi 970 gaming mother board and i was wondering what is the best cpu to put on it? money isnt a issue, i have a 8320 right now with a gtx 960 and only getting 20 fps on every game even tho i have watched people with a gtx 770 and a amd 8320 and they get 40 fps on max setting. i am so confused so please help thankyou
your cpu is fine mate. it could do with a little overclocking if you have the psu and cooling.
your 960 should be giving you 30+ fps on pretty much every game your playing @1080p.
go into your nvidia control panel and restore defaults.

go into your games and set them to high with no aa 1080p max rez.
dont try to use multiple kinds of post processing. such as tx aa, msaa and fxaa
use 1 of the other. or you will cripple performance.
with volumetric fog and lighting effects use the lowest settings. they often have little visual difference but have a dramatic effect on performance.


i have evga 650 g2 if that can do it? i have done all that and re installed all drivers for my gt 720 and gtx 960. i go on control pannel and do what u said see if that will work

i tried what you said no better, its wierd because i have 20 fps on max and medium settings and when i put them on low i get around 35 but i shouldnt have to play with lowest settings with a gtx 960
which game are you playing mate?
the 960 should perfom better than that and like i said theres nothing wrong with your cpu...

gt 720? you dont have both in the case?
if so make sure the 960 is the primary boot card by selecting its pci-e slot to boot first in the eufi/bios or better still remove the gt720

fact is mate im wondering if thats not the problem as 20 fps on medium settings on a game like bf4 would be ablut right for a gt720...

when you say you uninstalled the drivers?
did you also clean the registry and remove any leftovers with a dedicated driver cleaner? if not give driver sweeper a go.

lastly try loading optimised defaults in bios. then set the primary gpu to the slot that has the 960. set your drive boot order and reboot.
I am playing world of tanks, i will try them solutions but i took my gt 720 out before and i went down to 15 fps. My gt 720 is in the first slot snd my gtx 960 is in the second woth my hdmi cable plugged into my gtx 960? Should i swop them around? Thankyou for all your help btw. My friend has a pc he plays world of tanks on max settings with a gtx 770 and a amd 8320 if that gives u a idea on what fps i should be getting
Seen people having problems lately where that board is getting stuck in a low power state & throttling CPU clocks to 1700mhz or lower.

Do us a favour , download amd overdrive & install it.

Download prime95 & do a standard test with amd overdrive CPU status tab onscreen.

Let us know what your clocks max out at while testing & also your thermal margin.
i have a amd 8320? ok i will take out my 720 but when i took it out before i just got even lower fps? i have just installed what u said but i cant find no standeredd test what is it i need to do the test u said about on prime , what will it say
Prime 95 doesn't install , it downloads as a zip which you open & run manually - look in your downloads folder , it will be there

Definitely remove the gt 720 - it has no benefit being in the system, & ensure your monitor cable is plugged into the gtx 960 card video output.
Put amd overdrive ontobthe CPU status tab.
It will show 8 cores all with independent clocks & thermal margins.

Run a blend test on prime with this onscreen .
Want to see what's happening to your CPU clock speeds & thermal margins , so either do a screen grab while its running or just make a note of them.

You can stop the prime test after a few minutes from the bottom right task manager bar.
It will stop itself after 10 minutes.
Then you're suffering the same problem as the other guys - the CPU is stuck in a low power state..
Switch the PC off.
Open the side of your PC case.

Just below the big 24 pin power cable at the front of the board there is a little vertical switch., this can be moved vertically up or down.
Make sure its pushed down to the off position.